28 April 2006
Home alone
They are coming back today. I am now at the airport waiting. Again, Samsung computers.
Guess I can't live by myself.
22 April 2006
21 April 2006

20 April 2006
Something I must make a note on
This is the first person I know at my age died. Life is invaluable but vulnerable. It's so sad that we all just graduated for about a year and a half, and we have just started our career, and most of us have not married yet (some of us don't even have a boyfriend or girlfriend). What about owning a house, a car, a dog, some children? What about taking care of our own parents, watching our own kids growing up, going to school, graduating from university, finding a job, getting married? What about having some grandchildren, watching our children to teach their children, travelling around with old spouse? We've done none of these yet, however one of us passed away, revealling the truth that not everyone in the world have a chance to do what we think are easy to achieve.
Fortunately God is never my victim of psychological dependence but my Lord indeed.
想再見一面 誰要見你的面
想細訴思念 誰要你去想念
石破海枯的加冕 你堅定 你忠誠 你轟烈 你千年萬年
想免卻生離 誰介意你死別
想壯志不滅 誰敬佩你貞烈
石破海枯的挑戰 你堅毅 你執迷 你起誓 你桑田 永不變
想聽信謊言 誰要對你分辨
想到髮都白 無法看透黑白
石破海枯的貞節 你火熱 你癡纏 你哀豔 你不眠 也不變
過眼雲煙裡兜兜且轉轉 從頑石鑿取每滴甜
死心眼塌地千洗百煉 煉石去補青天
你永垂不變怎麼可昇仙 如頑石坐井想觀天
守得到信念等不到兌現 煉石錯補青天
你以為展翅真的可昇仙 如頑石坐井想觀天
守得到信念等不到兌現 補不到奈何天
剪去了雙眉 還有兩眼分辨
雙眼也不辨 還有笑意不滅
石破海枯的挑戰 你堅毅 你執迷 你起誓 你桑田 永不變
撕去了衣裳 還有送抱的臉
燒了這張臉 還有似舌火焰
石破海枯的加冕 你火熱 你癡纏 你哀豔 你不眠 也不變
想再見一面 誰要見你的面
想細訴思念 誰要你去想念
18 April 2006
Ever wonder if Contraception is against God's will?
The Church of England does not regard contraception as a sin or a contravention of God's purpose. It is interesting to see how the thinking of the Church on this subject developed through the 20th century. In 1908 the Bishops of the Anglican Communion meeting at the Lambeth Conference declared that:-
'the Conference records with alarm the growing practice of the artificial restriction of the family and earnestly calls upon all Christian people to discountenance the use of all artificial means of restriction as demoralising to character and hostile to national welfare.'
Some of the Church opposition at this time reflected a national concern about falling birth rates. By the 1920s, certain sections of the Church were beginning to develop a richer understanding of sexuality. Sexual love can be seen as good not just because it enabled the human race to reproduce itself. Sexual love was good in itself, and it provided an essential way for a husband and wife to express and strengthen their love for each other. In the Garden of Eden God had said, 'It is not good that the man (Adam) should be alone' (Genesis 2:18). It was also argued that people were limiting their families in order to give children a better chance of success. The debate makes fascinating reading and went on through the 1920s until the Lambeth Conference (meeting of all Bishops of the Anglican Communion - the Anglican Church worldwide - which takes place every ten years) of 1930. The 1930 resolution was greeted with mixed reactions and reads as follows:
'Where there is a clearly felt moral obligation to limit or avoid parenthood, complete abstinence is the primary and obvious method.'
but if there was morally sound reasoning for avoiding abstinence
'the Conference agrees that other methods may be used, provided that this is done in the light of Christian principles.'
By the 1958 Lambeth Conference, contraception was a way of life among most Anglicans, and a resolution was passed to the effect that the responsibility for deciding upon the number and frequency of children was laid by God upon the consciences of parents 'in such ways as are acceptable to husband and wife'.
In 1968, the Lambeth Conference considered the Papal Encyclical Humanae Vitae and while recording their appreciation of the Pope's deep concern for the institution of marriage and family life, the Bishops disagreed with his idea that methods of contraception other than abstinence and the rhythm method are contrary to the will of God.
The contrast between the Anglican position and the official Roman Catholic position (reiterated on many occasions by Pope John Paul II in the years following Humanae Vitae) illustrates, in part, different ways of approaching questions of Moral Theology. Roman Catholics have tended to look to the 'Magisterium', the official teaching of the Church, typically articulated by the Pope, as the source of authority on moral, as in doctrinal, questions. Anglicans have tended to call on 'Scripture, Tradition and Reason'. Increasingly these approaches are being supplemented by appeals to 'human experience'. It is clear, for example, that the experience of Christian married people in relation to contraception explains some of the change in Anglican thinking between 1930 and 1958.
14 April 2006
The Daye after Last day
他們也真的喝了不少。。。Moses醉得最可愛,哈爾則好像沒有醉似的,和平常一樣(癲喪)吧。(笑) 小王子沒有喝太多,便已經開始想睡了,所以我們九時半左右就回家,我還要收拾好今天去Camp的行裝呢~
13 April 2006
節錄 <霸王別姬> -- 張愛玲
這一段,我看的時候會很不用神,不論寫得有多好,我還是不會給予想像。 我的腦就像是過濾般篩走了這樣的描寫。呵,我對境象和人物,是"只能意會,不能言傳"。然而我對人的內在的描寫,則是很敏感,所以第一段和第二個破折號後的那一段,是我整篇文中的最愛。把虞姬的心情寫得太仔細了,令人不能抗拒地相信這是她自刎時懷著的心情。
11 April 2006
The Day before Last day
Kit返香港兩星期,得我和Moses呢。。。哈爾走後我會移走,那時Moses會很悶吧! 或者我過兩星期才移動,和Moses無聊到Kit回來啦。。。
10 April 2006
星期六那天小王子帶我去看了Ice Age 2,狂風暴雨立刻停了,直到現在還是天晴。雖然還是睡不夠,但四周的東西也光明多了。
06 April 2006
05 April 2006
又過一天,我拿起很小的綠色的杯子,發現它的茶漬大部份都不見了! 只剩一些頑固的再杯底邊,頓然發現洗碗碟機的神奇。。。
04 April 2006
03 April 2006