28 October 2006


I support a very big part of Thomas Hobbes' idea of human nature and the need of the formation of Common-Wealth (Leviathan). Actually on the lecture about Thomas Hobbes' theory I saw my reasons and explanations to a lot of things happening in the world, even in church (in general). Although most of the time my illustration of thoughts are rejected by people (again, church people particularly), now I know I am not the only one having that in mind, I am not the originator. Eventually being pessimistic to human nature is not a wrong theory, in Christianity speaking, when you consider about the original sin. However there are two main things I differ from TH: I am not a materialist and I believe human nature contains both Good and Bad (note that it's capital G and B).

So what about Thomas Hobbes? Thomas Hobbes believes our voluntary motions are consequences of our endeavours, and all our endeavours are towards something. The things we want, we desire, are appetites; and the things we try to be away from are our aversions. There are something that we are neutral on, that's contemns. Basically this means for everything results in a motion ( i.e. we act), it is base on appetites and aversions, in other words what oneself wants and oneself doesn't want. There is no Good or Bad, but different conceptions of good and bad for everyone -- one sees his appetites are good, and his aversions are bad.

Undeniably, I do think very much about people's actions are just base on their appetites and aversion. The difference is I also believe, some people will show real sympathy, pity and charity etc. to others. Not just knowing that oneself could suffer what another is currently suffering, or seeing another's misfortune a possible misfortune of oneself. Like your family and your real friends, but these all require certain level of relationship and love. The more the love is in the relationship between one and another, the more possible non-egoistic actions would carry out. That is, the Good in human I was talking about.

Thomas Hobbes continued on elaborating what power is. He stated power is the present ability to obtain some future good. Powers are the exercises of people achieving their appetites and getting rid of their aversions. Obviously here the conflicts appear because of the sameness and differences in people's love and hate. There is never a way we can satisfy everybody because people always have conflicts in their interests and most of the time what one wants is on consumption of someone else. All sorts of powers involve power over other people. All of us have natural powers and may or may not have some sort of instrumental powers. Since natural powers are more or less equal in everybody (TH thought!), so instrumental powers are the main differences between people, like wealth, reputation, people, etc.

Isn't this what people trying to do? How many politicians becomes a politician purely because of real concern about people and would like to bring these people what they want (instead of what he wants to happen in the world)? Wealth, reputation, people, are the tools people in the world use to get what themselves want most of the time. How often do you see people use their power to help someone else to get their good without any fulfillment to their own good? Again, I do not deny the existence of Good in people, but just not that often. I hope it's not in Poisson distribution.

What if there is no restrains on power execution? That's the State of Nature TH is talking about, and he believes no civilised life is possible under this situation. I concur. Imagine all of us are fighting for something , using all sorts of mean, all of us would be too busy to protect our stuff and getting what we want. How could us ever develop and improve? That's why when playing Civilization, you can't proceed too far with Anarchy. Ah, just have to love Civilization.

So, that's why we need Common-Wealth. As a society there is a need of something that can protect most people appetites and aversions (I think it's just another application of Generalisation -- on "what most people want and don't want"). People give up some of their power, given that everyone in the society has to do the same, and authorise somebody (or group of people) the power, given that person (or the group) is ensuring peace and safety in the society. Well, you may think this does not sound good, but I think this is one of the best we, human beings, can ever come up with.

26 October 2006

IE 7.0 and FireFox 2.0

They are both sitting on my work machine now. The first impression on IE 7.0 is, "ah, now I have two FireFox browsers".

"Are there any good new features", or "is there any bugs" are usually not my concern. As an end-user I only have my mind on the stuff that I need to use and want to use. If I encounter a bug, then sorry, there is a bug, I won't try to find out why it behaves that way or what causes the bug. I believe this is exactly what people do with our products too. End-users do not talk with the word "usability" but "good" or "bad". "Usability" is just a word that we use, which basically means how can we make different kind of end-users happy, from gurus to ignorance ones. So as an end-user I don't care about the usability of IE7 nor FF2, they are either -- "good", or "bad". However, that makes not much difference to me. I have FF there usually just for testing. Everything we develop has to work on both IE and FF (and safari), on Windows and Mac. Other than that IE is sufficient enough for me to do everything. If I have to test both IE and FF and decide to use the better one, should I get Opera as well? I am not that fuzzy in web browsing honestly, it's just something very minor.

25 October 2006



想起當年玩阿銘套鼓,想起當年聽他們錄下來的歌,想起當年阿銘叫我們夾錢買鼓棍給他,想起我們到現在還常用的"因為肥"萬用原因是從阿銘來的。。。現今看著有人為他們著迷,只覺得可笑。想起當年被無聊人傳出完全互不認識的美寶的哥哥與我有路,更覺無稽,我連他真人也沒見過幾次。。。那就是今天的別人的偶像嗎?! 想起高佬和小姐在一起時的事,唔。。。我還是覺得小姐飛了他是正確的,因為我是Te te派的。XD




24 October 2006


皮蛋人未到紐西蘭,禮先到了,意料之外的,他也真的很錫我呢。。。我們還收到了很多禮物,最高興的是大家都在我們的Wedding Registry lists裡買東西給我們,我們很辛苦去選的東西都有人買呢!想起每一件都會用在我們家裡就很開心了,將來我們的家裡許多東西都有著朋友給我們的祝福和心意,就是我煮飯時和小王子吵起架來,一手叉腰一手拿著大舀子想指著他罵時,也會立刻想起買舀子的人是想我們幸福的,可能就會消了氣吧。。。(笑)



19 October 2006








17 October 2006









NZ快要有Soft Launch了,Hard Launch我則多數不會參與太多,因為我一整個月都不在。



11 October 2006


不知名的病,又喉嚨痛,又嘔,頸和右眼又有小紅點。。。可能只是allergic reaction。甚麼心情也沒有,試問連續兩晚半夜起床磨到自己嘔得出再睡,怎可能好心情呢。談情說愛也省下了。


05 October 2006



慚愧的是我沒有讀過《孽子》,《夜曲》,《永遠的尹雪豔》,只拜讀過《我們看菊花去》和《謫仙記》。當然我是有讀過《玉卿嫂》的。我決定要找本《孽子》來看,總覺得沒看過他唯一的長篇 -- 還要是滲著那個主題 -- 好像是妄說了"知道白先勇是誰"一樣。

這是Jade Loves裡面我最喜歡的歌。。。

04 October 2006






02 October 2006




我的二叔呢。。。是肥胖學會會長。。。 XD







曾經試過夢到自己去了一個地方,像一個花園,有一個湖,湖裡的不是水而是雲,然後我見都了一隻狗,坐在一塊石頭上。發這夢時其實有印象但不深刻,但我又再發了一次那樣的夢。我再去到了那個地方,這次雲湖裡爬出了一隻很卡通的鱷魚,有點像Peter Pan裡面那隻鱷魚,但瘦一點。那隻狗還是坐在那石頭上,並開口說了一句話:



