30 April 2008

Dexter 1-1

Dexter started on TV3 this week. It has taken over Monday 9:30-10:30 slot. As I said, this is one of the most AO TV series. With this expectation, I still found a little bit scarier than I thought. The scariest parts lie in the unseen. Things that are happening off screen are the most thrilling part. I like it.

If I have a sociopath son like Dexter and I know he has the need of killing, what would I do? Would I do what Dexter's foster father did, teach him the rules, teach him how to cover the track, teach him to kill following the rule: kill only killers? I think I would not, I don't think anyone deserves death sentence execution by any mean. So what would I do? Take him to some Freudian fellows? I don't think they can do anything good.

Dexter is kind of the worst case scenario: not just need to kill, but kill in a psychopathic rite. He kills like a butcher, chooses the right knife to chop specific parts. Acquiring a drop of each victim's blood begins the ritual and putting it behind the fake air conditioner completes it.  By the way, the chopping part is what you cannot see on screen.

Interestingly at the end of episode one, Dexter has been "threatened" by the The Ice Truck Killer. He was happy and excited. This reminds me my guesswork on Paul Avery's mental status when he got Zodiac's forewarn letter. Paul was not sociopathic, but he was so into Zodiac, so I guess he's 20% excited and 80% scared. Dexter is 100% looking forward to the game, the killer competition.


29 April 2008

NANA 74話





28 April 2008







Crap that I didn't know Symbol, Wingdings, Wingdings2, Wingdings3 and Webdings by default do not show in Firefox and Opera!

24042008 ASD Dinner and Bowling

Last Thursday our team went to the Vietnamese restaurant in Pamure after work and did bowling later the night. It was the day before ANZAC holiday. We had 15 people for dinner and several more for bowling.

It was a good dinner with lots of laughter. Before the food arrived, Szu-yu took out her new digital camera (which she claimed is her "husband") and shot some photos.

One remarkable interesting thing was, Ivy's the one who drank a bottle of Archer before dinner and face turned red, but Szu-yu was the one showing drunk behaviour without any drinking. Ha ha. 

From these pictures you can tell that Pedro, Ivy and Ken, Helen, myself, Stephen, Andre, Hafiz, Harshal, Tahseen, Joseph, Warner, Paul, Szu-yu and Andrew were at the dinner.

We were probably the noisiest group at the restaurant, but not at the bowling. Many people there were pretty full on. The group on our right even got their team uniform and the group on our left shout for every single good bowl.

I have to admit that I am pretty hopeless in bowling. I could not keep it in the middle, nor make it roll fast. Maybe the pins were dodging from my bowling ball.

We do have a lot of team building activities in our company. The last one we had was Moses' farewell dinner at Pearl Garden, which was two months ago. Have to thank Joe for paying for our bowling games this time. It's fun to see Paul and Hafiz attempts on bowling, Joseph's expertise, and Andre's quick learning ability. So even though I didn't do well (and will never do well in bowling I guess), it's fun to play bowling with these guys. This is also the first time I meet Jovy, Mark's girl friend. She's playing really well (much better than Mark, ha ha :P). Yeah, so, it's a great night! smile_regular

27 April 2008

Yeah Right!

I am very annoyed when some people make some comments about something that they don’t really know what have happened. If it’s your daughter being touched, I wonder how you are going to tell your daughter to tolerate and forgive and if he does that again just tell him not to do that once again. Should we wait until somebody being seriously harassed? You think we didn’t give him any chance? Even his mum said she told him a lot of times already. You knew that? I bet you don’t. You think he doesn’t know exactly what it means and doesn’t know he shouldn’t do that? Yeah right, he even knows all the rugby rules. I don’t think some basic boys and girls contact rules that we’ve told him many times he does not get it at all. Actually every time someone tells him not to hit someone shoulder that hard, he instantly understand and back off, but do the same thing again next time. Is the rule “not to touch girls” that hard to understand and remember comparing to offside rule, ruck and maul rules, or the point system? Tell us to teach those girls to tolerate? Yeah right, that’s not your daughter, you would say that. Should we wait until your daughter become the next victim? Yeah trust whatever his mum said and blame those girls not being tolerated enough. What a considering thought! Next time tell people to forgive sociopath that kill their families; tolerate psychopath for them may not understand the damage; excuse the rapist that have some sort of mental issue and maybe a pathetic childhood. Hey, maybe you want to blame the people who cannot forgive, tolerate or excuse the sinners in these cases as well?

Ancient Damnation! Thanks a lot for your pure trust on his unreasonable and unspeakable mum. Why not sacrifice your daughter to save the others?

23 April 2008


I went to Philosophy of Arts tutorial today. We were talking about Baugh's and Davies' views on Rock VS Classical music. Baugh phrased "the material or 'visceral' properties of rock", which I found it very difficult to understand.  What does "visceral properties of rock" means? What "visceral" means? Here's what Dictionary.com says:

vis·cer·al Audio Help /ˈvɪsərəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[vis-er-uhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


  1. of or pertaining to the viscera.
  2. affecting the viscera.
  3. of the nature of or resembling viscera.
  4. characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect: a visceral reaction.
  5. characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude: a visceral literary style.

These definitions are not good enough for me to understand when I have to tide this word to rock music. I still don't understand.

In the tutorial, the tutor asked us to think of some non-visceral rock music examples. Since I don't even know what it means by "visceral", of course I cannot give any example of "non-visceral". Anyway, Radiohead came out from someone's lips.

So I went onto YouTube to do my listening research. After listening to Creep, No Surprises, Karma Police, Fake Plastic Trees, Street Spirit, Just, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, and You, I think I have a little bit of idea what "visceral/non-visceral" means. Hmm... I like non-visceral music.


So, today IS my birthday! I am happy.

Last night Little-prince and I had a nice Japanese Dinner. It was just the two of us. Later Johnny, Leanne, Bob and "Bob so" come to our house with a cake. It was a good night, chatting and playing Wii. Today my team had prepared a cake for me, lots of cream, taste so good, ha ha. Tonight I am having dinner with my family, and again, a yummy cake is gonna be there! XD

21 April 2008

Things to note...

I am still sick, and my brain is full of little bits and pieces: my essays, my trip with Ning and Ada, my mother-in-law's arrival, work et cetra. Therefore I don't have mood for celebrating my birthday. Actually, I knowledgeably know my birthday is this Wednesday, but mentally can't really feel it. So I guess I am not going to do anything special with friends this year. I think Sal was asking me on Friday night about my birthday, but I was sick and wasn't in a good mood, so I kind of impolitely ignored what she asked. The more correct way to say this is I could not process what she's been talking about at that moment.

What so special about birthday? Actually I do not understand why many people think their birthdays are not special and it's "just another day". I always think birthday is a special day. It is a day that you can look forward to and feel happy about. I think someone remembering your birthday is a wonderful thing. It is not about pressies and not about parties. It's all about "remembering" and "looking-forward-to". I know it's a circularity here: I am happily looking forward to it and I am happy that people remember it because it's special, and it's special because I am happily looking forward to it and people remember it. Well, who cares! Life has too many boring stuff and we definitely need days like this.

Therefore, not feeling my birthday is coming up is a big sad thing for me.This is something I look forward every year but this year part of me just seem to forgetting about it. You may say since I am talking about it now I must have "remembered", well, it's not like that. Now I am illustrating a fact, without emotionally engaged to this fact. I just feel sad. I hope I will start looking forward to it tonight after work, and as the deeper part of me realise my essay extension request is approved.

Oh by the way, one stupid thing of the day: I forgot my performance review completely! It's supposed to be at 8:00am, but I turn up work at 9:00 (again I am still sick and need sleep). Well, well, André and Simon will reschedule it, though now I may have to be the last one in the team instead of the first one! Haha...

16 April 2008





15 April 2008






See Video

you say what you want to say
your diamonds are drops of rain
your smile is your credit card
and your currency is your love

and the morning is for you
and the air is free
and the birds sing for you
and your positivity

watch out

so you play where you want to play
on the main streets where the creeps all pray
and you can feel like you're in dynasty
and you can be what you want to be

and the morning is for you
and the air is free
and the birds sing for you
and your positivity

and the cars crash for you
and the sunshine is free
and the sirens call you

yes the morning is for you
yes the air is free
and yes the world spins for you
and your positivity


14 April 2008

Imaginary Friend


我以為許多人都有至少一個Imaginary friend,卻是無法證實這個假定。奇怪的是Wikipedia竟有談及Imaginary friend,看過後我才知道在成年人裡是不太常見的。

Imaginary friend不一定是從外觀到性格甚至思想結構也是想像出來的,可能是有真實的人作藍本,而性格則根據自己的意念加以修改。Imaginary friend的思想通常有別於自己的模式,並能彌補自己的不足。人們能跟Imaginary friend交談、爭吵、分析,甚至在溝通的過程得到安慰。


11 April 2008


在Google Talk裡以「沒有自殺」,「沒有藥物或酗酒」,「沒有幻聽」這三個理由,我的私人精神病醫生斷定我沒有BPD。他說我有的應該是SFH - Si Fat Han,即Itchy A**。我說我有一二三六七八九,醫生說我已結婚,不算有第二項,除非我要離婚了。我無語,哈哈哈。醫生叫我別盡想些和我沒關係的事情。


10 April 2008

Don Quixote

See Video

Since I have been talking about my "obsession" of knighthood, maybe I should mention Don Quixote. I come across this in the Problems of Epistemology lecture. I have not read this book yet, but I would read it if I have a chance. It has to be a real book though, I hate e-books.

Alonso Quixano, a fiftyish retired country gentleman, lives in an unnamed section of La Mancha with his niece and a housekeeper. He has become obsessed with books of chivalry, and believes their every word to be true, despite the fact that many of the events in them are clearly impossible. Quixano eventually appears to other people to have lost his mind from little sleep and food and because of so much reading. He decides to go out as a knight-errant in search of adventure. He dons an old suit of armor, improvises a makeshift helmet, renames himself "Don Quixote de la Mancha," and names his skinny horse "Rocinante." He designates a neighboring farm girl, Aldonza Lorenzo, as his ladylove, renaming her Dulcinea del Toboso, while she knows nothing about this.

He sets out in the early morning and ends up at an inn, which he believes to be a castle. He asks the innkeeper, whom he takes to be the lord of the castle, to dub him knight. Don Quixote spends the night holding vigil over his armor, during which he becomes involved in a fight with muleteers who try to remove his armor from the horse trough so that they can water their mules. The innkeeper then "dubs" him knight advising him that he needs a squire, and sends him on his way. Don Quixote battles with traders from Toledo, who "insult" the imaginary Dulcinea, and he also frees a young boy who is tied to a tree by his master because the boy had the audacity to ask his master for the wages the boy had earned but had not yet been paid. Don Quixote is returned to his home by a neighboring peasant, Pedro Crespo.[8]

Back at home, Don Quixote plots an escape. Meanwhile, his niece, the housekeeper, the parish curate, and the local barber secretly burn most of the books of chivalry, and seal up his library pretending that a magician has carried it off. Don Quixote approaches another neighbor, Sancho Panza, and asks him to be his squire, promising him governorship of an island. The rather dull-witted Sancho agrees, and the pair sneak off in the early dawn. It is here that their series of famous adventures begin, starting with Don Quixote's attack on windmills that he believes to be ferocious giants.

Although the first half of the novel is almost completely farcical, the second half is serious and philosophical about the theme of deception. Don Quixote's imaginings are made the butt of outrageously cruel practical jokes. Even Sancho is unintentionally forced to deceive him at one point; trapped into finding Dulcinea, Sancho brings back three peasant girls and tells Quixote that they are Dulcinea and her ladies-in-waiting. When Don Quixote only sees three peasant girls, Sancho pretends that Quixote suffers from a cruel spell which does not permit him to see the truth. Sancho eventually gets his imaginary island governorship and unexpectedly proves to be wise and practical; though this too, ends in disaster. The novel ends with Don Quixote's complete disillusionment, with his melancholic return to sanity and renunciation of chivalry, and finally, his death.

(Plot Summary from Wikipedia)

A Knight's Tale

It is a little bit too fortuitous. I was thinking about "changing one's star", which is what William Thatcher's father told him all the time in A Knight's Tale, while I am flipping my new Marie Claire magazine. Then the next page, Heath Ledger it is.

Heath is one and a half month older than my little-prince. He died early this year, after he has completed his role in The Dark Knight - this time as the Joker, not the knight (batman) - a bit of waste of his pretty face.

I love A Knight's Tale. Well, have to admit that I love all sorts of knight stories (actually my brother and I are very into Merlin, King Arthur, and the Knights of the Round table). I bought this DVD couple of weeks ago. A Knight's Tale is a predictable story: poor guy with some friends, want to become a knight but he is not of noble birth; met a pretty noble girl and fall in love; got a chance to know the Prince and built a friendship; a bad guy hates him, want to pull him down from his success; the bad guy discover his secret but the Prince saved him; finally beat the bad guy. Very predictable, nothing extraordinary, but I am very happy and very into it when I am watching. I was clapping when everyone's clapping, tearing when the Thatcher family reunion, and cheering when the bad guy lost. It's probably a good reason why I should watch DVD at home by myself. At the end I watched through all the special features and felt so satisfy and joyful.

RIP, Heath, it was a good movie, and you are a good knight.

09 April 2008







昨晚媽媽說弟弟還在學校,我第一個念頭是「有orchestra嗎」。過了一會媽媽說Elsa的媽媽會駕車接載他們回家,我才記起弟弟已經不在Macleans College了。他是一個大學生呢。直到現在,弟弟在我眼中還是個孩子,像父母看兒女般,可能是因為他比我小七年吧。




08 April 2008

Ta Matey





07 April 2008



來的是我 去的是你
流淚的心 讓我窒息
越來越重 語氣不輕
笑得有諷 不近人情

也聽說你笑了 瀟灑了

是一個誤會 沒甚麼可悲
得過且過 不能後悔

也聽說你笑了 瀟灑了

也聽說你笑了 瀟灑了

有了解脫 沒有負累
乾脆俐落 助我心碎
這也好 這也好 這也好



04 April 2008










01 April 2008






(魯迅 《一件小事》)

(張愛玲 《傾城之戀》)

(金庸 《天龍八部》)

(白先勇 《玉卿嫂》)

(李碧華 《青蛇》)

(亦舒 《圓舞》)



