25 March 2010




早幾星期去看醫生,唔,就是那種我特別逃避去看的醫生,也就是和我常常叫「醫生」的J氏同一系的醫生。這個醫生是女的。她說我有BPD,要去做一些therapy。雖然不太願意,我還是答應了吃藥。不願意是因為怕會變蠢,但J說不會的,結果我唯一的side effect是經常打呵欠,頻密起來一分鐘打一個,但我是有精神的。




對,要做的是Dialectical Behaviour Therapy,我聽到後第一時間想到的是thesis + antithesis → synthesis及Eisenstein's montage。這個therapist還想我去一些group sessions。。。總之要做甚麼,還是未知之數。


18 March 2010


[picture from vladstudio.com]


11 March 2010

Bonjour Tristesse

I live with melancholy
My friend is vague distress
I wake up every morning
And say, "Bonjour tristesse"

The street I walk is sadness
My house has no address
The letters that I write me
Begin "Bonjour tristesse"

The loss of a lover is pain
Sharp and bitter to recall
I've lost no casual lover
I have no pain from which to recover
I've lost me, that is all!

My smile is void of laughter
My kiss has no caress
I'm faithful to my lover
My bitter-sweet tristesse

Depuis qu'on est ensemble
Tu viens chaque matin
Me donner la première caresse
Bonjour tristesse

Amie qui me ressembles
Tu est le seul miroir
Où je peux contempler ma jeunesse
Bonjour tristesse

Tu sais le secret de ma peine
Car c'est toi qui l'a bercé
Et s'il le faut que je me souvienne
Tu viens poser ta main sur les miennes
Et toi tu n'oublies jamais
Depuis qu'on est ensemble
Tu es mon seul amour
J'ai trop de faiblesse
Pour te quitter
Bonjour tristesse

Depuis qu'on est ensemble
Tu es mon seul amour
Et j'ai trop de faiblesse
Pour te quitter
Bonjour tristesse

08 March 2010





Slowly cultivating this small garden

[picture from vladstudio.com]

This is what I am doing now: slowly cultivating this small garden. Myself really want to walk very slowly, water the plants very slowly, fertilise them very slowly, and watch them grow very slowly too. If they grow too fast, I can’t take care of them, I can’t enjoy their beauty, and I can’t make them to grow into their best state, I may even destroy them accidentally.

This time, I want to take everything slooooooooooowly, if “slowly” is not enough to describe.

04 March 2010

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Wallpapers

Vlad Gerasimov is one of my favourite digital artists. I love his wallpapers.

Tonight I am going to see Alice in Wonderland. Yes, today’s the official release day in New Zealand! Before that, let me share a set of Alice wallpapers by Vlad.


“… Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?..”

Look at the top right circle, it writes “New Zealand” and “Australia”, ya, the other side of the world, which is, this side I am in.


“…but, alas! Either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any of them…”


“…Oh,my poor little feet,I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I’m sure I shan’t be able!..”


“… I wish I hadn’t cried so much! ” said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. “I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That will be a queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer today…”

This, really, makes me think.


She hastily put down the bottle, saying to herself: “That’s quite enough - I hope I shan’t grow any more - As it is, I can’t get out at the door – I do with I hadn’t drunk quite so much!


“…One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter…”


“I didn’t know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn’t know that cats could grin…”

In the movie Alice in Wonderland, Stephen Fry is the Cheshire cat, that should be really cool.

I really love Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, not so much Through Looking Glass though. But Lewis Carroll is always my hero. Look forward to tonight’s movie, because Tim Burton is my favourite too (yes, and Johnny Depp…).

If you’ve never read the story, you really should.