Bought this ukulele today, I have to admit that I like playing ukulele more than guitar, haha. Very handy and very cute.
And yes, it is called "Gypsy Rose".
The strings are pink.
And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
et respondens Simon dixit illi praeceptor per totam noctem laborantes nihil cepimus in verbo autem tuo laxabo rete.
Tomorrow is our 4th year wedding anniversary. Altogether, we have been together for… eleven and a half years. Little prince said we will go out tomorrow night, so I said I would be cooking tonight. Here it is, our dinner. As I said, I am not good at presentation, but Nick said they taste good, especially the crumb-coated chicken thighs.
For people who still believe I cannot cook, come on, here is some proof: I can kind-of cook, man. Not a pro like Stephen though.
Ah, talking about Stephen’s cooking. This Saturday we are going to have Thanksgiving dinner at his place. He’s going to prepare most of the food including a 5.5kg turkey. I will make a pasta salad. Of course I am going to take photos and show everyone later, but before that I must talk about the crème brulée.
He brought them to the office on Monday. Since I was sick and away on Monday, he saved one for me in the fridge so I can have mine on Tuesday. Crème brulée is one fat dessert, the cup I had, worth 750kcal – mind you for me to lose weight I need to eat only 1200kcal a day – and I keep failing to do that these two months and therefore gained quite a bit of weight. I took a video when Stephen was “brulee-ing” my crème brulée on Tuesday morning – yes, first thing of my concerns on the day, and it was my breakfast.
Does my voice normally sound that strange? I was still sick that day… but… terrible…
Oh yes, except Who Stole The Moon?, which is from my favourite digital artist, the other three are Latin books.
I am going to read them, to keep up my Latin, hehe.
Got this today, I have to admit that this one of my favourites among all from everyone. Love it so much.
Austria is such a great place.
P.S. Have to agree with the comment about Schiele’s self portrait.
Photos of flowers in my garden. They are so pretty! I have to admit that I have done nothing to my garden at all, so they grow, watered by the rain, took the sunshine, all cultivated by nature.
Yesterday I went home at about 8:20pm. On my way home, I saw the sky turning orange and pink. The sunset had put some colours onto the clouds. It’s very nice. So once I parked down my car in the garage, I took out my camera and took some photos from my balcony. Then I took on with my iPhone as well (this one). I should post one from my camera instead, better quality, but I forgot to bring my camera to work today.
Love the world.
Went out for dinner with Darryl (D1) and Daryl (D2) and folks on Tuesday night. Both D1 and D2 are from Microsoft, at least, for now.
D1 has decided to move on, leaving Microsoft and choosing a completely different career path – going to US to study bible college to become a PASTOR. How exciting! He said he has this in mind for 16 years already, but it wasn’t the right time.
D1, D2 and I are Christians, and we always share faith and stories around our lives whenever we meet. Oh well, of course we share geeky information as well which is the basis of our jobs. However I am glad that our religion has come into the friendship as well, therefore we can share a lot, and truly care for each other. Now I am so glad for D1’s decision, and looking forward to meet Pastor Burling.
That night I drove D2 home, and we talked about… finding a girlfriend, haha. D2 is a really nice guy, with a good heart, stable job, know music… everything seems to be good. So we discuss why he still has no girlfriend. I said if I know any girl I would introduce him to her without hesitation. Oh well, maybe, wasn’t the right time previously.
It was a good catch-up, and, nice spaghetti!
Powdered Strawberry And Vanilla Bean Macarons
Stephen said he is going to try this next and I am already excited!
Cooking dessert is never my thing actually. Eating them, I am quite selective. So can’t really say I am a dessert fan. Same for chocolate, I am quite selective on chocolates and not a big fan of it. I only keep eating chocolate when I am stressed – actually, i keep eating a lot of different snacks when I am stressed or unhappy or nervous or whatever negative emotion I am having. They key here is: SNACKS only!
By the way, as you can see, I have done some changes on my blog again.
Doing all these things, make me happy.
P.S. With the new Windows Live Writer too!
It’s stuck in my head, since Monday.
P.S. It’s very depressing when you were working hard and these words came into your ears from the headphones:
“What the hell am I goin’ here? I don’t belong here…”
Guys here, dress up funnier everyday. Yesterday Harshal with an Angel Batista shirt, today, Stephen with an Angel Batista shirt AND an Angel Batista hat.
3 Stephen
6 Angel Batista
Me? In my flowery dress… and crocs (only in the office!)
So if people ask me what’s the dress code of your company… hmmm, maybe I should answer “something different, or strange, please.”