30 June 2011

Just let it be

It's damn hard. I said, if mine and Caelum's life are what they want, to prove that I didn't do a thing wrong, just say it.

Sometimes I do not know whether I should care, or I shouldn't. However that really bothers me and now getting too close to my limit.

Too close that started to worry the rational part of myself. I know so well what that means.

I can't see a way out. Maybe I need to convince myself that I do not need a way out. I can just ignore it, forget about it, keep living my own life here.

At least the one I love surely loves me. Do I really need everyone's understanding and trust? Can I just let them say whatever, believe and blame me for things I haven't done at all, spread whatever they took as "the truth"?

Don't worry too much. I will be fine. Just let me say whatever here for I believe they won't see these. I hope I am safe here, in my castle, my little piece of land.

I don't want to speak to a hole on a wall then covered the hole.

28 June 2011


Regarding the right, politically correct reasons, this morning I had a second thought.
Sad, depressed,  distressed, melancholy, sorrow, despondent, despairing… all these emotions are very complex indeed. What are the reasons for one to these emotions? Which reasons are right and politically correct and which are wrong? What are the reasons people should be expecting?
If I am limiting my mind to believe only some of these reasons are the right one, isn’t that too harsh to myself and also to others? Isn’t that too judgemental for something that can be so complicated? Moreover, can I really understand and dig out what are the reasons? Or am I just assuming what the reasons are or are not?
Am I being too inhuman to myself sometimes?
I feel much better today. Thinking is a serious, necessary but dangerous process.

26 June 2011

Think to cope

Mors certa, hora incerta - death certain, hour uncertain. Things come when they have to come. When is the right time, and when is the wrong time? We don't know, we can't tell. One day we may know, maybe after 10 years, maybe after 30, maybe after 50, maybe till the day we meet our Lord, maybe never.

Vita aeterna - the life everlasting: I cannot grasp the meaning of this, still can't. To me it is not so important, yet it is an important thing. Sometimes I imagine people understand this in the way that comforts them.

Heart is beating fast this whole morning, pulse rate up at the 130 level. Not sure why and I believe it's not normal. Caelum is a bit restless too, usually he is quite quiet during morning to midday.

Reality kicks in

Finally, I feel it more real, when he finally cried in front of me. I always need the trigger. Still in my head figuring out all the emotions, the words that describe the feelings.

It's such a difficult thing, I mean this whole thing that he has to face. How can I make it easier for him? I don't know, and for some how I do not believe there is any way to make it easier. Deep inside I do not think anyone should make this easier too because it is meant to be a difficult thing.

Yet I am there to sort out the logistics for him, e.g. Plane, time off, clothing, other people's concerns etc. Someone has to do it. No point for everyone crying and sitting there without sorting the necessities out. So I will do this for him, for them.

25 June 2011

Hardest time for my little-prince

I can feel his pain and sadness, and I really care a lot, yet I am also disappointed by myself for the fact that I think I am not sad enough. It’s the same thing when I knew my grandma passed away in HK while I was here in NZ: I couldn’t really feel it until a lot later, after half a year. This time I guess I will feel the reality of death much sooner since I will be experiencing it. Till then, I cannot say I am very very sad, I just… can’t. I think I should, and I know I should, but I just can’t. Sometimes I wonder am I just slow or actually sociopathic. I hate myself for this, I really, hate myself, such a terrible person. Why my sad and sorrow emotions always kick in too slow?

For sure this whole thing is not about me, but my mind keep questioning my heart.

This is definitely one of the hardest things - if not the hardest - in his life. I am not sure how to handle it so I prayed that at time I cannot comfort him or understand his sadness God will be with him, comfort him and listen to him. Realising how useless I am doesn’t help the situation, but at least I can ask God to help.

I hope I can do better for him.

24 June 2011


Sometimes I still wonder why and how come I am pregnant. It's not a negative thought, I just wonder, and find it interesting. Why would someone like me have decided to have kid? How did the juries in my heart come to this verdict? It's very interesting, very.

So how our lives will be transformed by the arrival of Caelum? I know for sure there will be heaps of changes but I cannot predict the quantity. Good or bad? Easy or hard?

All I know for sure now is that my brain is going to run slower because it already does at the moment. :(

20 June 2011

靚仔 VS 乸型





13 June 2011





12 June 2011





10 June 2011

Good news

Read a very exciting news from an e-mail this morning which lighted up my day. Finally, yes, finally. We have been worrying about them for years. Sometimes they are good, sometimes it seems bad, but finally things are going to settle. Oh man, this is so great! Oh the more I think about it the better it seems to be.  I am already excited about it.

08 June 2011

