03 July 2006

Superman Returns

昨晚看了Superman Returns。我這種對電影沒甚麼要求的人,只要有劇情也會說很不錯了。雖然我還是想不明白一件事 ---

我當Richard知道Jason不是自己的兒子,但其他人都好像當他是,Jason自己也當他是老爸吧。 那Lois在Clark走後最多兩個月一定要公開和Richard在一起。唔。。。Clark才不見了一會,Lois已認為他是不告以別?人家可是Superman呢,可能給壞人捉住了啊。。。找人給我解釋一下吧。。。

我去看Superman其中一個原因是想看看Brandon Routh在這戲裡有多靚仔,當然是沒有失望啦。連帶Superman的兒子也很可愛呢。。。戲裡最惹人發笑的竟然是Lex和Kitty,看完後我不能再認同Lex是一個壞人了,只能說他是一個傻子吧(笑)。

看完的第一個評論是 -- Richard White是頂好的男人。我說女人要的不是超人,而是一個像Richard那樣愛自己的人(還算有錢,你看他們那房子)。Richard對Lois很好,真心的愛著不是自己的兒子,盡一切能力去保護和拯救他們 -- 還要在Lois一句之下不細問理由就冒危險回去救明知是她的舊情人,又提出並充當司機車他們母子去醫院看Clark。除出很合理地問了一千零一次她和他以前的關係,沒有任何小器的行為。我會說他為人高尚,也真的很愛Lois兩母子。Lois選Richard是對的。



  1. Watched it last night. Bumped into Irene and Kenneth lei, and they happened to sit next to us too. ahahaha.. (allocated sitting).
    I hated the ending. Coz I always feel sorry for Clark. When he was young he can't be with Lana, and now he grow up, the only women she loves doesn't know Clark is superman, and after 5 yrs is with this other guy, (altho he's very cute too). Why assume Richard knows Jason is not his son? I didn't really think of that lei. Then he's too "wai dai" lah. I'm not saying he isn't.... but... :(
    Your last part on how a woman can stand her man going out to save the world... probably right... but for me... I always like happy ending... how you said Lois and Clark, not gonna last anyway, so negative... Clark/Superman hou charm... :(
    hai... i'm depressed.

  2. Baby, if Richard doesn't know Jason is not his son, that means when Lois XXX with Clark she has XXX with Richard a bit earlier or later. Did the last superman said about this? I don't know... XD

  3. Hm.... i dont' know ar... i thought about that, i just think maybe Lois did it when Clark went away and was drunk with Richard. hahahah.... i want to watch the other superman again.. u interested?

  4. yaya, although that superman is not as handsome as this one...
