01 August 2007


走到Chocolate Factory的底部,剛要試吃面前七彩繽紛的糖果時 -- 鬧鐘響了。非常失望呢!我可是幾經辛苦才到達那兒的啊!上星期我也在夢中見到雪櫃裡的大大排吉百利薄荷巧克力給人偷吃了一大片,難度這些夢是減肥的警告嗎?想來這個月我是吃多了很多甜食,真糟糕。

王子也開始了Pokemon的生涯。他很煩人呢!動不動就問下一步該怎樣做,這叫冒險嗎?怎能成為成功的Pokemon Trainer?今早還一早起來繼續旅程,到我起來時(六時十五分),他第一句就問現在該做甚麼和去哪兒了。很過分吧,一句親密的早安也沒有呢!還要導致遲了出門,平時我遲些許他就會趕驢子般趕我快些啦,哼!


1 comment:

  1. You not fat at all la..
    If you want to eat sweet things then go for it...
    As sweeti and choco stuffs can produce 'happi'chemical and makes you happy.. Your brain is telling you that you need it...
    haha.. i always persuade myself using this excuse

    I know nz is alway rainy and wet...That's similar to hk.. but is Super Hot and wet
