31 December 2008
或者明天載了S到機場候回來在家附近散步一會,再帶我的書到Bucklands Beach、舊Howick或Botany坐上一頓午餐的時間。。。然後。。。怎樣呢。。。?
這個Blog年資是三年半,三年半還算是很短的時間呢。比我聽Phantom of The Opera的年日短,比我和小王子戀愛的年日短,比我工作的年日也還是要短。然而這已經是第九百九十八篇網誌,還有兩篇就累積到一千了。大大小小的事情我也記下了,可惜內容太無聊,若是我持之以恆寫的是有聊的東西,那大概是可以串起一部書,或拍一套有內容的連續劇。。。說笑而已。今天我決定不回顧這一年我作了些甚麼,因為都記在網誌裡了,我甚麼時候看也可以。而且人還是該不停的反思,而不是一年反思一次的。
30 December 2008
The Time Paradox

Waiting for sunshining holiday...
I need sunshine that last for days.
I want to sit in the sun.
I want to stay outside for fun.
I can do some dreaming and reading.
I can enjoy the warm wind blowing.
One and a half day before a four days holiday.
Promise me for decent sunshine, here I pray.
我想 為所欲為 你不反對 誰敢反對
無所謂 無所謂 來麻醉我清醒的體會
無所謂 無所謂 來麻醉我所有的滋味
樂極就算會生悲 你不慚愧 我不後悔
如果繁華給摧毀 讓我好好的睡 好好的睡
你和我 反正會殊途同歸
如果一切變得乏味 我不介意半途而廢
傷悲 何來傷悲 我才不會 我怎麼會
喝醉 我想喝醉 不管那是 一杯開水
29 December 2008
「唔。。。都有C級嘅 - 如果用幽遊白書黎講。」
28 December 2008
27 December 2008
26 December 2008
"I guess a memory is never finished as long as you are alive."
Finally I watched the movies...
Celine: Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting.
Jesse: Yeah, right. Well, most people, you know, a lot of people talk about past lives and things like that, you know? And even if they don't believe it in some specific way, you know, people have some kind of notion of an eternal soul, right?
Jesse: Do you believe in, like... ghosts or spirits?
Celine: Uhm, no.
Jesse: No?
Celine: No.
Jesse: Ok, what about reincarnation?
Celine: Not at all.
Jesse: God?
Celine: No.
Celine: That sounds... that sounds terrible. No, no, no. But, at the same time I don't wanna be one of those people that don't believe in any kind of magic, you know?
Going out
Although I am not 100% recovered, I am still going to go out today.
Sylvia Park is my destination. I am going to walk around, read a book in a coffee shop, buy something, stay in Borders for a while, have lunch...do whatever I have in mind, and whatever I can do.
Finally I am not too sick to go out.
You are welcome to join me for lunch or coffee, if you are coincidentally in Sylvia Park too.
25 December 2008
In bed for Christmas
In the morning I went to Hilda's Grandma's funeral. Then Hugh and Leanne and I went to McDonald for brunch. After that Hugh and I went to work.
The original plan was to sing K from 6-9 and then go to Hilda's home for fun afterwards. However I was too sick so I went home at 12:30 p.m.. I was hoping an afternoon sleep would make me better so I can party whole night (since this is the only party I have in the Christmas period and Hilda and Rando are leaving NZ today, the 25th).
At the end I was too sick to do anything. So I slept from 1 to 4, 6:30 to 9, 9:30 to 11:30, and 1 a.m. to 8:30 this morning. My whole Christmas eve was about sleeping. Now I am not feeling much better, so I guess I will be in bed most of today as well. Hopefully I will get better later today, so at least I can sit in the living room and watch DVDs on TV instead of laptop. It's now too cold to leave my bed.
I was planning to go to the Christmas service this morning, but too sick to do so. Sorry Jesus.
Meds didn't help, and they taste awful even with peppermint tea.
23 December 2008
Last 1/3
Now we have entered the last one-third of December 2008. I am still not too depress at this time, although I started to get frustrated and lost concentration easily. I also started to day dreaming a lot without constructing anything solid.
I just hope I can get through this month by myself.
Keep myself occupied may work. Let me get out all the DVDs that I haven't watched and watch all of them over the Christmas.
Another target of next year: Try my best not to get into any depression.
no sleep
Reluctant to sleep at night although I am tired, and wake up too early although that's against my will.
You are sleeping, while I am up and thinking.
22 December 2008
就算天空再深 看不出裂痕 眉頭仍聚滿密雲
就算一屋暗燈 照不穿我身 仍可反映你心
讓這口煙跳昇 我身軀下沉 曾多麼想多麼想貼近
你的心和眼口和耳亦沒緣份 我都捉不緊
害怕悲劇重演 我的命中命中越美麗的東西我越不可碰
歷史在重演 這麼煩囂城中 沒理由相戀可以沒有暗湧
其實我再去愛惜你又有何用 難道這次我抱緊你未必落空
仍靜候著你說我別錯用神 甚麼我都有預感
然後睜不開兩眼 看命運光臨
A Good Day
I really love the house, not just being polite. The stair, the wooden handrail, the half second floor, the slopping roof with windows, the brick walls, the spa, the wooden deck, the perfect size... coincidentally align with my dream house. Not to mention the hammock, that's one of the best things in the world. I was seriously in love with the house. Too matching with my dream house including the location of the computer. I dreamt of a house like this since I was... probably before I got into secondary school. If I can change the kitchen area to fit a bar table, then it would be more perfect.
I just love it. I really really love it. I really really do.
The best parts of the day... the best parts of the day were:
- sitting on the deck looking out
- sitting on the chair behind the computer, listening to music and looking out
- lying on the hammock
I know it was supposed to be a party, and I was supposed to be happy about gathering with people, however the parts I enjoyed were the three moments I listed above. I was so so happy... until everyone came, I tried to turn to a party mood, which... well, people are creatures that live together and talk and play and party, you don't have to feel really very happy to act happy for these activities.
I have to say, those things won't be the best if I was alone in the house. I am not good at being alone in a closed area. They were the best because there's someone else in the house, which I know I don't have to talk to, and would not care if I don't talk to him, and wouldn't think I am strange if I don't talk to him, and wouldn't think I am unhappy if I don't talk to him. Whenever I need my own time, it's either I am on the street on my own, or it's a situation like this. Both work perfect for me.
It's so hard to find someone that wouldn't feel embarrassing if there's nothing in particular at that moment I want to say. People just think I am the noisy one and so I need to talk. If I don't talk, then I must be either unhappy or angry. Anyway.
Yep, so that's yesterday, that's the happy part of the day. The saddest thing was I didn't see the horses.
I was pretty happy until this morning when I woke up and realised what I said before I went to sleep. Not that I became unhappy, but...it's just another "oh no". Well, of course I mean it, I really mean it, and I still mean it, but shouldn't have said that I guess. Anyway, it's too late.
酸甜苦辣 冷和熱 大概嚐透
一個人吃飯 搭配不同朋友
吃喝之間 抵達了
酸甜苦辣 冷和熱 大概嚐透
一個人吃飯 搭配不同朋友
吃喝之間 抵達了
20 December 2008
昨天聖誕聯歡有Secret Santa這個項目,一開我手上的禮物,看到是House M.D. season 4,興奮得尖叫起來的我立時就知道是弟弟做我的Secret Santa。當然啦,還有誰會買那麼貴的東西給我嘛。
18 December 2008
很想收到聖誕禮物。唯一的原因是禮物讓我覺得有人記得我的存在。不能否認最近我很怕孤獨呢。。。只是想有人陪我,或我陪甚麼人。然而又怕過份活躍的節目,因為我已經不是那麼Hypomanic,因為我還是想過有點安靜的聖誕。所以嘛,沒人的話我大概會留在家中,或者看那兩套我一直覺得可能會悶的Before Sunrise和Before Sunset,或者再看一次Sweeney Todd(非常有聖誕氣氛的血紅!),或者看Amazing Grace。和我的小聖誕樹在一起,也很悠閒。想有人陪,大概是不想我自己一不小心哭了出來吧。
快看完Dexter Season 3,還剩一集明天向史提芬索取。某人說:「又話唔鍾意壞人!」對,我不喜歡壞人哦,所以我也不是喜歡Dexter本身,只是情節太好看嘛。許多喜歡看Dexter的人都覺得Dexter Morgan這個角色很sexy,之不過論sexy。。。我還是會選Gregory House吧。想來我還是喜歡有腦的人。慢著,Dexter在殺人方面也真的算有點才華,唔,那些覺得有才華就可以的女孩們或許覺得可以呢。
17 December 2008
The 1st Christmas card and presie
P.S. Daryl's writing is bad! haahaha...
我愛傾聽 轉動的秒針
16 December 2008
我都知 再找你
要走的我 總企在原地
我怎可以 一刀切下來親手 傷你
要走的我 總企在原地
我怎可以 一刀切下來親手 傷你
我只可以 將心割下來親手 給你
15 December 2008
O Christmas Tree
13 December 2008
12 December 2008
Pure in Heart
What if...
最近我心情異常的好,應該說許久也沒這樣的好了。對工作對人生對身邊的人我也多了點熱誠般,若我是有點問題的話這大概是屬hypomanic episode。若是這樣的心情能持久就好了。。。
10 December 2008
Hungry Jac(k's)
Maybe I should sleep early to forget the hungriness.
09 December 2008
轉眼已八時半,在往Auckland的飛機上。終於進入今天最後一程飛機,只需一小時呢,快要抵家了。到達回家後還要不要買或煮些甚麼吃好呢?昨天九時半左右才由公司回到媽媽家吃晚飯,一整天也只吃了這一頓飯;今天午餐吃了Chicken & corn soup和兩片麵包,若今晚甚麼也不吃的話好像不太好呢。。。但十時左右還找東西吃也有點困難,這麼夜吃東西也會睡得不好呢。。。實在有點為難。
08 December 2008
07 December 2008
夜晚,我絕對沒有喝醉。雖知我平常是不喝酒,但其實酒量還可以的,絕不會被兩口Gin and Tonic灌醉。之不過酒不醉人人自醉,我是極易為氣氛影響的人,所以不能否定我是非常高興的,甚至到今天我還很高興呢。至於「李清照之點絳唇」一事則是。。。我根本就不太記得,定是這說謠言之人誇大其詞了,不能盡信。
港遊記(二) - 兩周年
在山頂逛了凌霄閣和山頂廣場,買了兩張postcards給安德魯和大老細,及一籠叉燒包磁石給華納。逛完了便往Bubba Gump吃晚飯。熟識小王子的人可能會知道他是Forrest Gump的愛好者,所以未返港前就計劃了要來看一看。他終於再見到了多年前擁有的那對Forrest Gump Nike波鞋,而我則對夜景著迷不已。是一個很好的晚上。
05 December 2008
You laugh and I am possessed.
You climb
The clouds caress.
Yes, I am blessed.
Yes, I am blessed.
You smile and I am blessed.
You lie and I am dust.
And you ride
London’s wilderness.
Yes, I am blessed.
Yes, I am blessed
29 November 2008
本來想寫十一月廿五日兩週年紀念的事情,但現在沒有相機,想圖文並茂是做不到的了,但我有一樣東西還是想先拍照再寫,於是乎就決定先用web cam介紹一下我在港作了些甚麼。
首先,我喝了許多包蜜瓜荳奶。不熟悉蜜瓜荳奶的人,請看左圖。這是較新的包裝,以往陽光是藍色間條的。 | |
然後就是我的黃耀明CD《King of The Road》。一個字 - 型,不須多說。 | |
還買了One Piece的船,零食物語賣$238,我買$135,呵呵呵。 | |
有Wall-E和Eve的糖。從未吃過這類糖果的人,該質疑一下自己過了一個怎樣的童年呢。。。 | |
老麥有熊換。唯一打動我的是葛文輝設計的那隻黑熊,我想web cam影得不清楚的了,因為它是全黑的。。。 | |
還買了新銀包,因為我那個Agnes b由淺藍色變成淺灰色了。。。 | |
這個呢。。。藍色那塊是小王子的,紅色那塊是我的。我要拿回公司,用作Red flag,以示Red time。 | |
還有一隻貓。要知道我是十分喜歡貓貓狗狗的人,很難抗拒可愛的貓狗東西。 |
24 November 2008
22 November 2008
21 November 2008
05 November 2008
Reading The Last Lecture
Let me write a bit more about it when I finish the book. :)
02 November 2008
01 November 2008
31 October 2008
Dive into negativity
This is one kind of worst situations, that you know he's in a bad mood, which easily causing me to have swing my mood as well, but I cannot blame on him, or tell him I am not happy, or be angry with him.
So it's like... I have to be the sink for the negative emotions of both of us.
James said that today I seem to be happier than usual. Oh, did I? Do I? I am not sure, but I do feel as hollow as usual, maybe emptier.
29 October 2008
Post your secrets
Some people find it hard to understand why would someone like to post secrets to random people, or even expose to the public. A guy made a comment that it's like writing blog, and he thought eventually writing blog is for people to read. I disagree, partially. I never want everyone come to read my blog, coz most of them would not understand.
Anyway, a secret is not a secret if the content is not being linked to a particular person you know, i.e. not in context. Look at some examples on PostSecret:
"When I'm with you, I wear my sexiest thongs......(Just in Case)"
"My fiancé is secretly gay. And it secretly turns me on"
"Once I kissed a boy and I thought I was pregnant"
You may think they are interesting, or funny, or sad, but they are not so much a secret to you until (IF) you find out that they are related to people around. Imagine if you had found out that I had posted the first one, then you may wonder who is the "you" that making me wearing sexiest thongs, which is a more real secret now. Imagine if you had found out that I had posted the second one instead, then you may also had found out some secret about my little-prince. The third one is not going to be an interesting secret no matter who post it, because it is not current and not important, i.e. a boring statement that is so random that not sure why someone would have treated it as a secret.
I would like to know secrets of some people, it just give a sense of closer relationship. Not that I want to dig out things that they don't want to share. I think people who share secrets, display a close and intimate relationship - kind of sexy and romantic. Note that it has nothing to do with a boy-girl love relationship.
26 October 2008
Labour weekend
23 October 2008
By The Sea
She can walk out anytime, anytime she wants to walk out, that's fine,
She can walk out anytime, anytime she feels that life has passed her by,
And when I start my new life I won't touch the ground,
I'm gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.
He can walk out anytime, anytime he wants to walk out, that's fine,
He can walk out anytime, across the sand, into the sea, into the brine,
And when I start my new life I won't touch the ground,
I'm gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.
So we sold the car and quit the job
and shook some hands and wiped the make-up right off,
And we said our good-byes to the bank
left Seven Sisters for a room in a seaside shack,
And when I start my new life I won't touch the ground,
I'm gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.
it's by the sea we'll breed
into the sea we'll bleed
20 October 2008
19 October 2008
Weather prediction
"Coz my leg is feeling a bit painful."
"Oh...Does that mean you should not drive the yellow car tomorrow?"
"...that's what came up in your mind?"
"Ummm...so do you need any heat rub?"
My little-prince cares about the new car more than my leg pain, so sad. :(
18 October 2008
So close
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
Happily ever after
I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know its true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream
14 October 2008
1. If I were on a bus with a celebrity I like, what would I do?
Everyone picked 2 for me, i.e. "I would ignore him". Myself picked 4, i.e. "I would say 'Hello' but respect his privacy". Little-Prince said he would have picked 2 for me as well. I started to wonder, would I really just ignore him eventually? Maybe I were not that brave to say "Hello"? Maybe the others were all right and it's just myself not knowing myself good enough? haha...
2. If I were a punctuation, what would I be?
Although there were 6 answers to choose from, my mind was just choosing between two: a Question mark and an Exclamation mark. I wanted to choose Exclamation mark. My interaction with the world is more like an exclamation than a question. Nevertheless, I had chosen a Question mark at the end, because I know S had chosen that for me, and I also knew that E would pick the Exclamation mark. After this round, besides rethinking whether I am a question or an exclamation, I am also amazed by the fact that I knew exactly what they would pick for me.
3. If he were an emotion, what would he be?
This has nothing to do with me, but interesting to mention what people have selected. Everyone had selected "bored", while E and I had selected "romantic". As I said, for me this was a round about honesty VS getting point, and I had chosen the earlier. It wasn't a hard choice, it's just funny.
11 October 2008
09 October 2008
Today I left work early, but at least we got things sorted.
Guess there're not many choices for a couple who are in love anyway. Predictable outcome.
Just a matter of past and present, things overlapping and influencing each other. Our childhood, our past, our brought up, things that have been broken and never get a chance to fix. One's feeling insecure, one's feeling scared.
07 October 2008
it's nothing
There is something missing. I feel hollow.
I want to say no one cares about me, but the truth is that I may not want anyone to care about me as well.
Am I being loved? Am I loving people around me?
Am I observing people in their cages? Am I in a cage being observed?
Seem to me they are all from another planet, another world.
Or I am from another planet, another world.
What am I doing here?
He's used to my melancholy. Nothing special, nothing to care, nothing to comfort.
I am so empty.
Where's my soul?
I am not unhappy. I am just... not feeling anything.
Torture me till I realise I am alive.
Or torture me till he shows his care and worry, then I can feel my importance, and I am being loved.
06 October 2008
05 October 2008
02 October 2008
Diet of Worms
Haha, unless you know what this is, otherwise I bet what's in your mind was wrong.
01 October 2008
A Dream (interpretation)
The shy boy is the creator of the mask I am wearing at the beginning of the dream. Then he tries to communicate with me by creating two other figures. These two figures are him, in different shapes and sexuality. They do different things and communicate with each other, but actually they are one. In the dream I understand that the boy is the same as the parents although I see them talk to each other. The boy does not talk to me anymore after he has created the parents, until he started to explain the 3D objects he created. As I said, he's a shy boy. The mum is the one doing the talking and making pancakes. The dad greet me, look at me and smile, but hasn't say much.
The boy then talks about the reality he has created. One of my hypothesis about reality is things only exist when you interact with them, and only the parts you see exist. So most of the time things are hollow, with outer 3D shape if you look at it in a 3D way. As you go inside a shape, e.g. changing battery for your wireless mouse, structure inside the mouse and the batteries also are 3D shape. All you see is the outer walls of things. For internal things that you cannot see, they may as well not exist.
Interesting. I thought my brain would be full of 70-528 Web-Based Client Development exam practice test questions last night.
A Dream
I had a dream this morning that I shall write it down. It is not the only dream I had last night (plus this morning), but it is an unusual dream. Note this dream is in cartoon style. To be clear, I am going to use some images.
I am a young boy in a blue and white horizontal strips T-shirt. I have just met another young boy who's in a green and white horizontal strips T-shirt.
"Remove it", he said.
Then I remove my mask. It is not a face-mask, but a full head mask.
"How do you know that, did Eric tell you (that I wear a mask)?", I said.
This guy took my mask, point onto it and said "Here is my signature. I made this."
Then he took out a mask and wore it onto his face. He has became a shy young boy. I watched him took out another mask and put it onto an object, and that object became a living man. This man didn't talk much, but he greeted me in some way. I stared at him and didn't say a word. The shy young boy saw that I was not very comfortable with this man, so he pulled out another mask, and out of nothing, he created a living woman who's wearing an apron.
"Do you want some pancake?", she asked. Before I say anything, she turned her back and started making some pancakes for me. She had some conversations with the shy boy while she's cooking. At this point I understood that these are parent figures.
The boy turned to me and started talking. "I can create 3D objects", He said, and he took out a big piece of glass brick.
This glass brick is huge. He first showed me the side highlighted in yellow in the daigram. It's hard to explain what I see, the closet analogy is like looking into a fridge with the fridge door opened. "You see, this side is 3D. But it's not just that. When you are looking from the side, it is also a 3D image.", he said, while he was turning his glass brick and showing me the side highlighted in green.
After that he took out another piece of huge glass brick, which is divided into small squares. the four side of every square has a 3D image, but the middle is empty. The is a small insect in one of the square to prove it is empty.
Then my alarm woke me up.
29 September 2008
Well, I am not sure whether I am going to do a BA yet. Still thinking. Yet I have decided what my second major would be if I am going for it. See the title of one of my blogs, you will know.
23 September 2008
Merely matter does not matter
I am not angry. I am upset.
I was crying all the time. You didn't see it, you didn't hear it. Maybe it's a good thing.
I am not in my form... well matter is always in certain form. Maybe malformed.
Facebook reminds me something...

There are two things I want to note on this screen shot.
1. Look at the red curved-corner rectangle. There the message is "X and Y happy anniversary and Congratulations for being a father soon!". I really admire the writer (and his wife) for being so loving and caring. For birthday, we remember closer friends' birthday, and facebook reminds you the not so close friends' one. Yes we often know when friends are pregnant, but remembering friends' wedding anniversary? Man, that's very impressive. I am always appreciated with the birthday, mother's day and father's day cards and presents this family send us, and I just want to say that there are more than that in this family.
Loving and caring, I wish I can do that naturally without making people feel that it is awkward. I remember last year I asked this guy whether his birthday was coming up soon and when was it going to be. Instead of telling me the answer, he told me to ask this couple because they always remember everyone's birthday. At last I didn't ask them and some how I found out this guy's birthday. I don't think he's particularly excited about birthday, but anyway, I kept his birthday in mind because I felt ashamed when he said this couple "have heart" (I don't know how to express this in English). I took it as I don't really care about people enough. Therefore, this year I bought a birthday present for him on his birthday. Apparently trying to be nice without being strange is not easy for me, at least my little-prince thought it's strange.
2. Look at the orange curved-corner rectangle. There is a guy that have 66 mutual friends with me but not in my friend list. Well, there is a reason for sure, although until now I have no idea what it is. Nevertheless, I don't want him to be in my facebook friend list anymore. Not that I don't like him, just don't want to. To be more precise, actually I want him to be out of my list, for some mysterious psycological reason. Maybe not that mysterious, I had experience similar reaction before when a girl friend of mine misunderstood something and pushed me away. I was quite upset at first and cried and cried and cried. Later I gave up, eventually turned into "I don't care about you and I don't want to be your friend". To be more precise, I wanted her not to be my friend.
Hmm, guess that's a complete opposite to loving and caring, haha.
Crap that jango site is still down. I thought it said "a few minutes"?
You said something...not really
We lean against railings
Describing the colours
And the smells of our homelands
Acting like lovers
How did we get here?
To this point of living?
I held my breath
And you said something
...you didn't...Why should you.
Brett, you are cool
Brett Anderson Explains How He Escaped The Rat Race To Find His Wilderness
- Luke Turner, September 10th, 2008 17:17
22 September 2008
Dance, dance, wherever you may be
The problem for me is:
I would like to dance with someone who want to dance as well.
21 September 2008
Some craps
emotional landscapes, they puzzle me.
Maybe I was waiting, but, not anymore.
I ought to give up. Not a choice, I ought to.
I don't like having dinner in small table with nearly-not-known strangers. Yeah you said they are not strangers, they came for dinner on our wedding. Yet to me they are strangers. They were strangers to me on the wedding dinner, and they are still strangers to me now. I don't even remember their faces! Sorry that if you are not happy about that. Well, at least I attended the dinner, I kept my smile when they looked at me, I talked when they talked to me. You cannot force me to accept they are not strangers, and you can't be angry that I am not comfortable with strangers. We were not on the same channel, not even close. I was bored. Like you don't want to come with us for the trips, I don't want to social with strangers; but at least I did go, which was so different from your anti-social behaviour. Of course, I wish I could say no too.
I have to admit that I am not comfortable with most of the people anyway, that's why I cannot stay in Hong Kong for too long. 3 weeks is the maximum I can stay, otherwise I'd have gone crazy very soon. People are mostly hard to deal with. They don't understand what you say, and interpret your words in their twisted way of thinking, and question the truth of your words unreasonably, and angry with you because of the reasons they have developed in their own imagination, and they have no sense of humour, and they don't get metaphors. When you talk, they think you talk too much and not respecting; when you remain silence, they think you are impolite and hard to communicate. You can't tell them you don't like to talk to them because you think you are on different channel, and you can't tell them their jokes are not funny, and you can't tell them their so-called sarcasms are too offensive.
My secrets
My secrets.
Occasionally I have one or two secrets, but I tend to express them as a non-secret way. Kind of like Dexter talking about his urge of killing in the NA group:
Dexter Morgan: I'm Dexter and I'm not sure what I am.
Narcotics Anonymous Group: Hi, Dexter.
Dexter Morgan: I just know there's something dark in me and I hide it. I certainly don't talk about it, but it's there always, this Dark Passenger. And when he's driving, I feel alive, half sick with the thrill of complete wrongness. I don't fight him, I don't want to. He's all I've got. Nothing else could love me, not even... especially not me. Or is that just a lie the Dark Passenger tells me? Because lately there are these moments when I feel connected to something else... someone. It's like the mask is slipping and things... people... who never mattered before are suddenly starting to matter. It scares the hell out of me.
Oh my addiction is not drugs or killing, of course. Come on, don't be silly.
17 September 2008
16 September 2008
So my Dr. J said from my answers to his questions it's probably a migraine. Can you believe that Dr. J actually sent me a wikipedia link to migraine instead of throwing me a book or medical terms or barely understandable medical explanation? Anyway... so I probably had migraine last night. I was strong, I didn't cry this time, because little-prince coincidentally told me not to cry if I have severe headache at night before he went out. I was good.
Apparently I shouldn't continue to sit in front of the TV until my condition became too bad, because TV's light and noise had been making my migraine worse actually. I didn't know that. Actually it's the same for last time, I was watching TV from my PC, and was getting worse and worse, without knowing that I was probably photophobia and hyperacusis at that stage.
Unfortunately, the trigger is very hard to identify. I forgot what did I do or eat or what so special about the day last time when I have migraine. I will try to remember what had happened yesterday and if I get it again next time hopefully I will be able to identify the trigger.
Maybe, at the end, it's just stress... hahaha.
Ski Trip 2008
Day 1
We met at the office 7:00 a.m., yes, early in the morning. André's target is to get to the mountain afternoon to have ahalf a day ski. On the way down south, I had been sleeping most of the time. Actually I needed to sleep most of them time since I get car sick easily if I am not driving or sitting at the front. To me the way down was quite quick since when I opened my eyes we were at the National Park already. See the photo below for proof. Due to the bad experience I had last year on snowboarding, I had chosen the safer option again, i.e. skiing. See I was happily at the Happy Valley (yes, yes), no problem at all!
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Day 2
There were 8 of us decided not going up to the mountain. Unfortunately Hafiz car can only fit 7 people, but Joseph won't wake up unless we wake him up anyway. So the seven of us decided to drive to Wanhanui and muck around instead. On the way to Wanganui we stopped by Rakaka falls, and our photographer Helen took an artistic photo of the flowers in chilling weather. In Wanganui we saw the tram in progress. Actually, we went onto the tram and I rang the bell. Later the day we went to Countdown to get some food for the night. We had some problem with Hafiz car when we were to start our way back, but all sorted by Shakeel and Hafiz. Again on the way I was just sleeping and sleeping to prevent getting car sick. I went straight to the spa on my own when we arrived the lodge. Very comfy. :)
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Day 3
I woke up at 7:30 a.m. because André said that's the latest time we should be up although after I woke up I discovered that a lot of people were still in bed, anyway. Strange that I wasn't sleepy at all. So we had breakfast, packed up, and ready to go. I was in another car on the return trip and I insisted that I have to sit at the front. Tahseen nicely gave me the shotgun seat. Joseph was the one driving us back. It was the first time I stopped on the dessert road, it was the first time I stopped at Lake Taupo, and it was the first time I stooped at Huka Falls. Then we went for the luge and it was the first time I attempted all three tracks! Ivy and Helen went to Rainbow Springs while we are up there doing luge - remarkably André nearly "killed" Pedro's wife on the luge (well a bit exaggerated I guess...)!
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The only sad thing was Bhagya's message. When we were at around Bombay, i.e. the edge of Auckland, Bhagya sent a message to André's phone saying that Sasanka's dad just passed away in Sri Lanka and they were flying back that night. Sasanka and Bhagya went to ski trip with us as well but on day 3 they went back to Auckland straight without stopping at Taupo and Rototura. The bad news came after they were back home. André was very upset about it. I was quite upset too. That was New Zealand's Father's Day. When my dad came to pick me up from the office, I expressed my sadness and felt glad to see him on the Father's Day.
Girl Power!
ASD Quarterly Spring 2008 is out! For people who have no idea what it is, ASD Quarterly is our team magazine and we just have our 3rd edition ready.I wrote the lead article for this edition on the topic "Girl Power!", which is about the girls in the ASD team. For this edition André and Warner had took some photos of Szu-Yu, Helen and I in the park opposite to our office. Releasing photos prior to the edition is forbidden, but even though the edition is out now, I am afraid that Szu-Yu and Helen would be angry if they find out I put the photos here. So I think...hmm...maybe just a few... :)
Helen has a very pretty one that I am really tempted to put it here... let's see... if someone put that on facebook, then I will put it here...
P.S. Since Helen said this is her favourite photo (too), so I am going to put it up here before anyone put them onto facebook!