16 September 2008

Girl Power!

IMG_5648ASD Quarterly Spring 2008 is out! For people who have no idea what it is, ASD Quarterly is our team magazine and we just have our 3rd edition ready.I wrote the lead article for this edition on the topic "Girl Power!", which is about the girls in the ASD team. For this edition André and Warner had took some photos of Szu-Yu, Helen and I in the park opposite to our office. Releasing photos prior to the edition is forbidden, but even though the edition is out now, I am afraid that Szu-Yu and Helen would be angry if they find out I put the photos here. So I think...hmm...maybe just a few... :) IMG_5662

Helen has a very pretty one that I am really tempted to put it here... let's see... if someone put that on facebook, then I will put it here... IMG_5666





P.S. Since Helen said this is her favourite photo (too), so I am going to put it up here before anyone put them onto facebook!IMG_5668  IMG_5669

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