29 July 2008

所謂人生 (2)





24 July 2008







23 July 2008







跟別人說,別人覺得我們這一個行業的turn over那麼高,應該沒甚麼特別吧。而且對許多人而言,同事只是同事,共同工作的人而已。可是對我們來說不是這樣呢。我們的turn over其實不高。最近兩年是有好些人離去,但九成是去了外國的,而且都在這裡最少三四年了,有些還在這裡十年啦。。。在這裡十年的,真的是時候去外邊看看,所以是Joe鼓勵他們去的。我們的同事也不是同事那麼簡單,所以Andre也很難為,非常難下這個決定。我不知道怎樣說呢,總而言之是一件叫人很傷心的事情。唉唉唉~~~

22 July 2008


I am a bit depress now.

It has to be me given up thee, not thee have given up me.

I have to protect myself, and I am not the weak one.

I don't love thee. What I did was not for thee.

No one ever understand, including you. I expected you would, but you never. So disappointing.

The calling

I am hungry!!! I need fooooood!!!







Ah.... what should I do? How can I make these stupid complex nesting div and css styling work for both Firefox 2 and 3? Man, no matter how mcuh you love Firefox and hate IE, you have to admit taht it's a headache making div and css styling work on Firefox - and work on BOTH Firefox 2 and 3! I always have no problem with IE... yeah yeah it's not standard, whatsoever, at least it works and behaves according to expectation.

Crap div and css styling...

P.S., oh yeah, div and css works well with simple design, I didn't say it doesn't. This blog is pure div-css styling. Unfotunately not all sorts of layout can be done... maybe I am dumb.

21 July 2008

Don't get me wrong

People are getting me wrong now. I am not trying to be heroic. The thing I was upset and felt sorry about was NOT that I had been vocal. It's that I didn't say what I really want to say. Again I am not trying to be heroic so don't form that kind of impression. It's a misinterpretation. Do that for the love to your church? No no no, I didn't mean that. At least, no rational mind that accepting it as my reason.

And, I didn't think these people are completely wrong. Actually I think it's the church weakness that providing gaps for them to pinpoint on, and the church has to fix those instead of covering them up with so-called "brotherly love". It's just that the way these people express their "concerns" make me sick and their intentions were not pure while they were trying to use "love" as their biggest reason. What a lie. Lies lead to damnation.

Honestly, no offend, just being honest... I don't need people to agree with my action. Well even my rational self don't have to agree with my action. Things always happen in a way that they have to happen that way.

So I wasn't scared of his reply, nor felt sorry about speaking out, nor wanted people to be on my side. I was unhappy that I missed the point in my head but I know if it's going to happen once more it would be the same. So I am not that upset at all. I am not sure how this incident affect people's emotion and how much it destroyed people's week, but it didn't move me an inch and actually I have a good mood recently.

Not my family is not my family, I would never feel what you guys feel. I am sorry for that but unfortunately can't change the fact. It's not my church, and it will never be my church after that ignorant guy ignorantly spreading conspiracy theory to ignorant people claiming that Roman Catholic Church is heresy. I don't love it as much as you guys love it. Don't think too good about me.

Love the typical smile


I like this photo. This is my typical smile. Not pretty but funny.

Well, I can't be a pretty person, but at least I can be funny, and love myself.

Although I do feel that I look fat in almost all P Party photos, however I was happy that night, and who cares that if I am fat?

Cool to be myself.

20 July 2008










After P 2

I have got some photos from facebook, which Helen and Ivy put on. Only my friends come to my blog anyway, so let me share them here.

First of all, meet the four ASD girl developers. Unfortunately Fiora didn't come.


(LEFT) Now, meet the pimp daddy and his honeys.
(RIGHT) See Devil is talking to the Priest, not sure who's converting who.

PP5a PP10

(LEFT) It's me, the green pixie with purple wings. 
(RIGHT) Helen is a pink one with pink wings. I am not sure whether she was a pink pixie or a pink fairy. Oh well, it doesn't matter.

 PP4a PP8

(LEFT) Meet the costume winner, Mr. Postbox. I love Stephen's idea of making his own costume. He's the man! Note that he didn't drive to the party with his postbox on - we had confirmed with him.
(RIGHT) Po was so cute! He's dancing all the time - before he took off his "head". It was Mal. Po gave me hugs and I took some pictures with him.


(LEFT) For some reason Andrew was either smelling Professor Hugh's hair, or trying to kiss him. Don't ask me which was his intention. Ask Professor.
(RIGHT) Joseph was the painter. Pedro was also the painter. They are like painter brothers! I think Szu-yu's camera got some pictures with both of them. I will post one up later.

PP9 PP12

(LEFT) See our pimp daddy. I have to say Andre looks really cool with this outfit. It does suit him (fortunately or unfortunately), haha.
(RIGHT) Who's Peter Parker with his mask on?! Of course is our newly-wedded Sasanka! His spider-man outfit and mask were too small though.

PP13 PP14

See! It's a fun party! Maybe I am not a typical type 5 because type 5 is not suppose to like party, haha.

19 July 2008

After P

Back from P Party, removed my costume, changed into my pyjamas, staying in bed, typing blog with my new laptop. Yes, I got a new laptop, a black Dell XPS M1530.

P Party was fun. I have been dancing till my feet were so tired that I could no longer continue. I don't particularly like party, and when I quiet down I may think of going home, but party with work people is different. It's lots of fun.

I didn't bring camera, but heaps of people have brought theirs. Ivy had already posted up a few (so quick!) and more to come from her, Szu-Yu, Andre, Helen, etc.

Time to sleep now.

18 July 2008





I have lighten the font colour a bit because I have tuned down the contrast and brightness of my monitors to save power as well as to my eyesight. Harshal also said looking at my bright monitors made him headache.

Everything on my desktop are black and white now (actually for months already). Microsoft Office components have black background, Picasso's Guernica is my wallpaper, my taskbar is black, the clock on my sidebar is black and white, white space invader characters on my black sidebar, and window colour is Graphite with transparency and a low colour intensity.


Love this feeling so much. I am not in a bad mood at all.

Don't feel strange that I have my taskbar on the right of my left screen. It's always the case, if you see previous screenshots of my desktop. It's not a geeky thing as I am the only one in the office doing this. At home I do have taskbar at the bottom for little-prince.

17 July 2008


心知道有路尚要趕 身體卻拒絕彈起床
事後我討厭自己 不會反抗 讓我很沮喪

當天氣那樣地晴朗 當工作照樣十分忙

每次我也知道什麼錯 每次我也知錯不改過
怎麼偏偏知道難過 怎麼不可安心出錯

急於到處賣弄眼光 小把戲過份露鋒芒
事後我討厭自己 不會收放讓我很沮喪

只知道有話就要講 不懂去漂亮地隱藏
事後我討厭自己 不按狀況

當失控憤怒沒法擋 將好友當做練靶房
事後我討厭自己 粗魯兇悍 讓我很沮喪

小波折放入大染缸 騷擾各界受盡驚惶
事後我討厭自己 不夠硬朗

好多個晚上睡在床 想想怎可不沮喪
一想到 馬上很沮喪

No more cakes and ale? Sure there is.

Yesterday I have dig out some old photos and posted them to facebook. When I say "old" photos, they are about 3 to 4 years old. That's the time I transited from studying in the university to the working force.

It was fun in university. The pictures we took on final year project presentation day, exhibition day, E-dinner, and ECE-dinner reminded me a lot about the old days. We had fun everyday and not much to worry about. Assignments, tests and exams are easy, piece of cake! I was so lazy and didn't study much. I seldom work later than 8 o'clock, and the latest time I went home was 12:00 a.m. - actually only 1 day in 4 years. I went to gym nearly every morning, healthy, slim and can play basket ball. Those boys copied our assignments all the time and applied their good alteration skill before handing them in. We complained Partha and Emilia in year three. Poor Partha, he's a nice guy, just that Emilia, such a terrible woman. Can you believe that she's an AP? John G. and Pounamu, John H. and Emacs, Jing Sun and Alloy, Rick and FIT, Ewan and Karate, Robert and Trebor (and amor = love)... probably will never forget these. 

It's good that I got into Olympic. I love Olympic. I have built personal relationship with everybody I met here. They are more than colleagues to me. Over three years and eight months, people come and go, but the spirit stays the same. Like I said to Joe that I want him to be rich, and he said to me that he wants me to be rich as well. My love to Olympic does make me consider more than just doing my job and earning my own salary. I tell you, it's more than I can get from anywhere else. Maybe not the money side, but experiences, chances, relationships and love exceed the money part. Oh well, maybe not enough for other people. I do know some people who think that work is never happy, and work does not have to be happy. I can't stand that. I have to be happy on my job. Man, I spend 8 hours a day on my job. If I am not happy on my job, then I am not happy for at least 8 hours a day and at least Monday to Friday! I can't stand that.

Things are still looking good now. Work is good, doing philosophy just for fun, married to someone I love, having a lot of free time, good relationship with workmates, loving parents (and brother maybe?). Maybe bank account is a little bit emptier because of our house, water, electricity, land rate, etc..., but I am happy. Sure I am happy. If I am not, that's just me being stupid and emotional.

I hope I am still happy as usual in the future. That's what I want.

15 July 2008

Waiting for you

Come back. I have been suffered long enough. Miss you so much.

Such a terrible experience. Next time please take him with you.

14 July 2008

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet?!


When she's in love, he's the perfect one.

The apple of her eye.

Then she found out he's sleeping with another girl. Immediately, he became an ugly bastard with bad breath.

Thou shall focus on the hideousness. That's the way to forget. Maybe not forgive.

Does someone become terrible before he become unlovable? Or does someone become detestable before he become horrible?



It is a very, very good story. No spoiler*, just want to say: must see.

My favourite black and white. Perfect for the story.Don't mind to see it again.


*Spoiler will come in separate blog post.

12 July 2008


黑太空 飄羽毛
在晚上發的 到今朝記住 敲你門鐘很想講夢

七寸高 聚滿蝙蝠和歎號
潺潺如白布 翻得過什麼思慕
在晚上發的 到今朝記住 跟你重複 很想披露




Saturday Night

Tomorrow I am going to my first movie for this year film festival. At last I haven't purchased any ticket in advance. It is because I am not going to see ten movies, and to purchase online or by phone require quite a bit of transaction fee. Originally I want to see whether there is someone want some tickets, so I can buy them in one go. Still not too late now but apparently no one's buying any. Ivy got her own tickets already.

Tomorrow, is my Saturday Night.

Oh, whatever makes her happy on a saturday night,
Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.

Hmmm, not exactly. My own Saturday activities end on this movie, then I will have dinner with some friends, which makes it no longer my Saturday Night.

But that's okay.

And it'll be okay like everyone says,
it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We'll going out tonight, out and about tonight.

It's still a Saturday Night.
We'll go where people go and let go.

11 July 2008

What's next?

So the next paper, Medieval Philosophy it is. Here is the description of this paper:

A detailed introduction to either the work of a leading medieval philosopher, for example Augustine, Abaelard, Scotus or Ockham, or to one or more of the topics which were of interest to medieval philosophers. The course aims to show how understanding medieval philosophy is essential for the history of Christian thought and philosophy up to modern times.
Having said that this is the next paper, actually grades for the two papers I have done for this semester are still unknown. I hope I have passed both.

10 July 2008

Barrier to describing and understanding

I am very poor at describing physical things. For example... hmm, let's pick someone at random, say Kenneth.

Kenneth is quite tall.
He has light skin colour.
He doesn't wear glasses.
He has short hair...but not too short.

That's all I can think of.

Let's try something else. Say a bus.

A bus has a rectangle box shape.
It has some wheels.
It has mirrors on two sides.
The bus number and destination are yellow (for Eastern Howick bus again).
There are some buses with 1 door only, some have two.

Doesn't seem to work again.

Let's try something else. Say Mel.

Mel is mainly black. It's white around her neck.
She has four legs and a tail.
If she stands on her four legs, she is about my waist tall, I think.
She sometimes flip her ears depending on her mood.
Her feets are brown and nails are black.

Can you tell Mel is a dog from these description? I guess not.

It is strange that I always have problem with describing how things physically look like since I was much younger. This is the reason why I can never write descriptive paragraphs about things - some real things. On the other hand I have no problem describing emotions or thinkings (at least I understand what myself is trying say), or talking about mental characteristics, or inner properties. In other words I am quite comfortable with describing intangible stuff.

I believe this is one of the biggest reasons why I cannot read English fictions. Because I cannot describe, relatively when I read physical descriptions I cannot imagine. When I am reading Chinese fictions I automatically scheme through physical descriptions quickly without perceiving too much detail. Unfortunately it's not so easy with English stories.

Antithetically, I cannot read any technical books in Chinese. There are too many terms that I cannot understand and my brain always try not to understand. So when I talk about anything work related, even though the conversation may start off with cantonese, very soon it has to be discussed in English. There is no way I can talk about work related or programming stuff in cantonese. Just too hard.

The entry into Hell

Per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va ne l’etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore;
fecemi la divina podestate,
la somma sapïenza e ’l primo amore.
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate’.

Through me you go to the grief-wracked city.
Through me to everlasting pain you go.
Through me you go and pass among lost souls.
Justice inspired my exalted Creator.
I am a creature of the Holiest Power,
of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love.
Nothing till I was made was made, only
eternal beings. And I endure eternally.
Surrender as you enter every hope you have.

So following Dante, last night I've entered the gate of Hell.






09 July 2008


Oh my life is changing everyday
in every possible way
And though my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems

I know I felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
Then I open up and see
The person fumbling here is me
A different way to be

I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
And they'll come true
impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

And now I tell you openly
You have my heart
so don't hurt me
For what I couldn't find
Talk to me amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me

Oh my life is
changing everyday
In every possible way
And though my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
'cause you're a dream to me

Dream to me

07 July 2008


I am sick so I went home very early from work and slept for hours in the afternoon.

This weather has knocked quite a number of people in the team down.


05 July 2008

pensamiento en usted

My brain is thinking a lot these two days. I know the reason, and I know what I am thinking. The only thing I don't know is what this will ultimately lead to. It's bad. I hadn't been thinking about this for a couple of weeks, and now that just stay in my mind. I know the trigger, I know what reminded me that. The only thing I don't know is how am I going to put this down again. This is stupid. It caused me to ask a dumb question which I am not sure what do I expect from the answer I got, and I just wanted to ask a more dumb question afterwards. I know the implication, I know what answer I was going to receive. The only thing I don't know is why did I want to ask such question as I already knew the answer is meaningless to me.

I know for sure that this is bad when I started to dream about that again. And I do want to dream about that again.

I can't say "forget about it" is what I want.

Life is full of things that you have to think about, and still never be sure about.

Phone, email and text

Yes. I hate phone. To be precise, I ought to say I hate talking on phone. Hmm, actually that's not very accurate as well because I don't always feel talking on phone is a pain when I am not the one who initiate the call. Okay. I hate making calls. If I am not the one who call, then after a little while my thoughts start to diverge to other stuff and will never focus on what the person on the other end of the phone is trying to say anymore. So I don't like talking on phone and always try to keep phone conversation short, and won't make a call unless I really really have to.

Email and text are what I prefer. At least I have an option when to answer by giving excuses like being hold up by work or so. The person I email or text to have option when to reply as well, or even not to reply. They also allow me to have some thinking time before I send them, although sometimes they would be misunderstood or misinterpreted, still. It's also easier to lie to or convince myself when I find people's email or text hurt me or not what I was expecting.

Personality test discussion

Last night we went through the personality tests again. After some discussions, we have settled on the case that I am a type 5, with an extreme strong tendency to type 5's right wing(type 4), and have some characteristics of type 5's stress and security points (type 7 and 8). Unfortunately I take nearly all type 4 negative characteristics but not many of the positive ones. I do get some good and some bad from type 7 and 8. Other than that, I am a typical type 5, id est nearly every single description fits.

It's interesting to see myself keep emphasising that "we are not alike", S and E keep repeating that "he is like this as well", and in the middle of the conversation R said "but you are afraid of him". Although I am a bit reluctant to admit, however I do know that we are similar on those characteristics. So, the reason for me being afraid of this guy we are talking about, is probably of these similarities. Maybe in dealing with this guy I see how difficult for people to deal with me. As little-prince said, whatever I don't like or feel annoyed about this guy, is a property that can be found in myself. Maybe another reason why I am afraid is that I believe people who are too similar to each other are too dangerous to be close.

There's one thing I agree but actually I don't really understand why and how. So if this guy is really a 4, and I am really a 5, and E is really a 5, then why am I more similar to this guy instead of E? Why E is different from us? Remind you that E is a typical 5 with a tendency towards 4 as well. Maybe E is just repressing his "weirdness", haha. Actually, I don't mind being weird, just that I do not want people to think that I don't mind. I do want people to think that I have made some attempt to fit in but not very successful, instead of knowing that actually I wasn't really keen at all.