Yesterday I have dig out some old photos and posted them to facebook. When I say "old" photos, they are about 3 to 4 years old. That's the time I transited from studying in the university to the working force.
It was fun in university. The pictures we took on final year project presentation day, exhibition day, E-dinner, and ECE-dinner reminded me a lot about the old days. We had fun everyday and not much to worry about. Assignments, tests and exams are easy, piece of cake! I was so lazy and didn't study much. I seldom work later than 8 o'clock, and the latest time I went home was 12:00 a.m. - actually only 1 day in 4 years. I went to gym nearly every morning, healthy, slim and can play basket ball. Those boys copied our assignments all the time and applied their good alteration skill before handing them in. We complained Partha and Emilia in year three. Poor Partha, he's a nice guy, just that Emilia, such a terrible woman. Can you believe that she's an AP? John G. and Pounamu, John H. and Emacs, Jing Sun and Alloy, Rick and FIT, Ewan and Karate, Robert and Trebor (and amor = love)... probably will never forget these.
It's good that I got into Olympic. I love Olympic. I have built personal relationship with everybody I met here. They are more than colleagues to me. Over three years and eight months, people come and go, but the spirit stays the same. Like I said to Joe that I want him to be rich, and he said to me that he wants me to be rich as well. My love to Olympic does make me consider more than just doing my job and earning my own salary. I tell you, it's more than I can get from anywhere else. Maybe not the money side, but experiences, chances, relationships and love exceed the money part. Oh well, maybe not enough for other people. I do know some people who think that work is never happy, and work does not have to be happy. I can't stand that. I have to be happy on my job. Man, I spend 8 hours a day on my job. If I am not happy on my job, then I am not happy for at least 8 hours a day and at least Monday to Friday! I can't stand that.
Things are still looking good now. Work is good, doing philosophy just for fun, married to someone I love, having a lot of free time, good relationship with workmates, loving parents (and brother maybe?). Maybe bank account is a little bit emptier because of our house, water, electricity, land rate, etc..., but I am happy. Sure I am happy. If I am not, that's just me being stupid and emotional.
I hope I am still happy as usual in the future. That's what I want.
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