25 August 2008

Lucid Dream

Talking about intrapersonal communications, Wikipedia identified Lucid Dreaming is one of the kind. Wow, I didn't know that these are called "Lucid Dreams". There is a name for this kind of dreams! Apparently it is not a common thing and some people do try to get into a lucid dream intentionally. Strangely, at least half of my dreams are lucid dreams. Other than lucid dreams, I also have false awakening very very often. There is once I experienced successive false awakenings, similar to what a French psychologist Yves Delage and a British philosopher Bertrand Russell had experienced before (according to Wikipedia).

Go back to lucid dream. Half of the time I am quite clear that myself is dreaming, and I would make changes to dreams intentionally if I have to. For example the murder dream I had several days ago. I rewind my dream to the time before I killed the girl once I failed to think of a way to hide my Jane Doe. Later I was not satisfied with the dream again, and once again I rewind and change the story.

Our brains are so interesting. I wonder why would I have lucid dreams and false awakening that often.


  1. 是不是vanilla sky里面的那个.我觉得那个电影拍的有些过头了,但是整个concept还是很有意思的.

  2. I didn't see that movie! >_<

    School's not learning this... was talking about imaginary friend with people from church group, then I thought about self-talking, then intrapersonal communication, then reminded me my last lucid dream... http://tamatey.blogspot.com/2008/08/read-more-dream-less.html
