Whenever I read or hear the news about this poor 9 year old girl, I feel really upset, deep from my heart.
The 9-year-old was found by police last month hiding in a wardrobe at a West Auckland home. Almost every part of her body had injuries. Part of her scalp had been torn off her head, allegedly as she was dragged down a hallway. She was starving, dehydrated and anaemic because of internal bleeding. She had a broken bone in her foot and had bruising all over her body. ***** Those injuries range from her scalp being torn away from her head while she was dragged by her hair along the floor, to vicious beatings with various weapons, and having her toenail pulled off and salt and boiling water poured on to the bleeding wound. ***** New claims emerged last night that the nine-year-old girl allegedly tortured by her parents was also sexually abused while in Child Youth and Family care. |
Why the couple did this to their little girl? Kids should be happy and being loved by parents and families and everyone. Why would the extended family sexually abuse her? They were supposed to rescue her from the tortures! It’s horrifying, why do that to an innocent child?
Crazy, just crazy. The worst part is, her story, is just tip of the iceberg.
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