28 February 2011


I may drop the Latin paper… which is a sad thing for me. Nick, Joe and mum all told me to drop, and I said I will think about it. They are just worried that having my work, my study and “this complication” it’s not the right time to continue. They rather I slept for those hours.

I don’t know. I really love my study, but if you ask me whether I can be sure I am going to be well for the net 4 months, I surely can’t guarantee, especially some of my m/s symptoms are back these days, having a little bit of hard time everyday – luckily not too much.

Virgil’s Aeneid XII.

I even bought the book already! So no matter I am going to drop the class or not, I am still going to read it! 0_0

My dear Virgil… forgive me if I am not going to study this paper!





27 February 2011


When we've changed, we are making people around us to change as well, purposely or not, doesn't matter. Sometimes without us ourselves knowing, sometimes we are aware of it. Again, it doesn't matter. The fact is, we are all changing people around us, and we ourselves are all changing because of the people around us are changing.

My dreams also keep changing every night, and they become more and more not understandable. I have created all these locations, all these places, on and out of this earth. Yet I am not changing anyone in my dreams. I reflect people in my dreams.

26 February 2011

Great Day Out~

English Service Outing today. I have been under the sun for 3 hours but nothing much changed. Took so many photos, over 200! Crazy aye! Personally there are some more remarkable ones than the others.

1. Lily white Pastor Sun and Chocolate tan Ada


2. Out of no where Victor has decided to show off


3. Photo of the camera girl with a long lens from my s90


4. John Keats – for one sec, I thought. LOL


5. The Matrix


6. The sea lion


7. The Jabberwock


8. Snake charming


9. The group photo


These summarised the funs. I have been sitting there taking photos most of the time since I cannot play the games anyway (and honestly no energy to do so). However I have shared the fun from them it was a great day. Great weather, great gathering, great love between us.

24 February 2011

less than 100%

According to the ultrasound estimate, baby is about 8 weeks already. Realistically, I think he/she is about 7 weeks and 3 days.

Now feeling 100% these few days. I guess it's always going to have hard time in this whole 9-10 months period. At least I can eat, I can sleep, better than that single week of suffering.

23 February 2011


Earthquake in Christchurch yesterday and it’s so much devastation. The whole country is now in distress. I have been watching TV for hours yesterday afternoon, watching the helpless situation. 38 confirmed dead at the moment, but fears 300. Things were destroyed in a minute, people lives were taken both quickly and slowly. Aftershocks keep coming. Nowhere seems to be a safe place. It’s heart breaking. The rescuing work is pretty tough too. Polices, St. Johns,  Navies, Armies, Air Forces… from all over the country have been deployed to Christchurch, and also people from other countries offering us help are arriving. No one knows exactly how many injuries are there, and how many lives we have lost. Some people are still not contactable. Cabinet are considering whether to declare a national state of emergency or not. Christchurch is a ruin at the moment.

God defend New Zealand.

21 February 2011









20 February 2011

Equality Part II

「咁又係,想像吓Johnny Depp同一個麻甩佬RJ,Johnny Depp呢就。。。」

19 February 2011

20110219 Ares & Mami’s Wedding

Today’s Ares and Mami’s wedding. We were not certain whether we have seen Mami before, but anyway, here she is, Ares’ wife now. I have a feeling that Ares getting married denotes an end of a period and represents a start of another. I still remember those days, we walked in a circle around a small piece of grassland again and again, talked about all sorts, while Chris standing in the middle playing his guitar. He was playing Beyond’s and Andy Hui’s songs. We sang, it was fun. Funny that everyone thought there’s something between us because we had been talking so much and for so long, but we both knew it’s nothing like that. Anyway, that’s the past. So today he’s married, and when I looked around, the only people whom he had invited were only the close friends (well I don’t know about the people I don’t know though).

I had took a picture with the groom, one on one, before the wedding started, before the bride was here, haha.

Me & Ares

And of course, took a legendary bros photo – too bad that they were not in the right position – but I guess you have no choice since the bride and the groom has to be in the middle this time.


And yes, Anthony was there! One you would only see in some special occasion, or coincidentally bump into him in shopping malls. This was the first time he met Charis, ET and Rebecca’s baby girl (a very large baby girl…), and he spent quite a long time playing with her, even in our coffee time after the wedding refreshments. Chris was playing with Charis too – I wasn’t sure whether this was the first encounter of them. And yes, the Moks were very into bonding with Charis too. This little princess! ;)

Athy & Charis  Chris & Charis

Nick & Charis  Hon & Charis


I am very tired at the moment but I cannot go to sleep this early (9:12pm) because I have just finished my dinner. Need some time for my digestive system to process some food.

Pregnancy always make you sleepy.

18 February 2011







Contraria mens

Typical mummy thought: when you have morning sickness (which is never just morning), you feel terribly bad and rather not have all these problems; when you not have morning sickness, you worry that there is something wrong with the fetus.

I am feeling very well this week, very very well. Still too sensitive to smells, but over all, can't be better. Enjoying a comfortable week, hope everything is okay and this kind of luxury moments can continue.:)

17 February 2011





16 February 2011


Lives are never equal. No, I am not saying this because I have been traumatised or what. I am just stating the fact purely and calmly. Comparing my life and the life of a Prime Minster of a country, who has so many responsibilities on his shoulders, so many people waiting for his decision, my life definitely worth less. It make sense. For someone who is more important to more people in this world, surely has a higher significance. Why would people ever think people could be equal? It’s better for me to be expended than the president. It’s just normal. Some lives are more expendable than others. You can try to deny this, and say every life is equal, but it’s never the truth of the world.

You pay to see somebody’s concert – and if this famous singer should die many people would mourn for ages. Not the same for a beggar dying in winter coldness. Their lives are not equal: you praise for the contribution of the former, and doubt that there is any contribution of the latter.

There’s no equality, between rich and poor, men and women. Don’t get me wrong, I have no anger to this society, I believe this is how life should be. Queen bee has a different status for sure. Worker bees can die, but Queen bee can’t until there is a new one. So clear you mind up if you are looking for equality – don’t chase a mirage.

15 February 2011

Getting Excited

This was so exciting. I have never experience this before. I wasn’t prepared to see anything because a lot of people said they cannot see anything at this early stage. Nevertheless, I saw it! I was like… “OMG… is that it!" So THAT’s it.” It’s an amazing experience.

So what is this about? Hmmm, for people who still haven’t realised there is an extra tab next to the "”Home (Domus")” tab, maybe it’s time for you to go and have a look. Ya, the one named “Ephemeris graviditis”.

Finally this becomes more real to me.


OMG, I saw heartbeat. I wasn't expecting that. People said it's not always possible to see a heartbeat in 6 weeks, but here it is. The technician said baby has a strong heart, 132bpm. I can see it beating fast too.

Let me attach a not so meaningful (unless you are pro) picture here...


By the way, the technician said fetus is 6 and a half week. Well, my baby must be growing very fast, coz I am sure it's only 6 weeks! Big baby!

14 February 2011

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day, but no special plan because I would have no idea what I can eat what and what not earlier.Turn out today I have an okay appetite, ate Wendy's Ultimate Chicken Grilled burger and chick nuggets for lunch, haha.

Ultrasound tomorrow! Excited? Yeah... but it's too early to see much anyway, so I know I won't be able to see a lot from it.





前些時候重看了Star Trek (2009)。看剛開始那裡看得我眼紅紅的,好可憐。

11 February 2011





10 February 2011

Good day!

Today I feel much better! No, not 100%, still wanting to throw up all the time, but less today. And I can eat! That's very important. I couldn't eat for two days and lost a bit of weight. Since I can eat today I made myself eat quite a bit: 1 cup of milk and 1 egg sandwich for breakfast, 1 nectarine fruit, 1 cup of Ribena and 3/4 chicken kebab. That's a lot compare to the past two days. That's probably more than all I have eaten in 2 days!

What a success, good girl kiu kiu, good bb. Thank God for that.

09 February 2011


皮蛋瘦肉粥 (不含鉛可吃?)


A note about life and death

So after a week, body has been found. I can’t imagine if Nick should die what I would do. Yes, one day we all die, but at this age, at the moment, while we are all young and living an adequate life, if all of a sudden one should go, it would always be one of the hardest thing. Especially, it’s an accident, not a sickness, not something expected, no time to plan ahead, no time to prepare.

Though preparation doesn’t make it too much easier, usually.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."  -- Mahatma Gandhi

Searchers find body in Clutha River


11:59 AM Wednesday Feb 9, 2011

Searchers in a jetboat looking for 28-year-old Roxburgh man Paul Wilson have found a body in the Clutha River north of Beaumont.

Police said additional staff were making their way to the scene.

Mr Wilson went missing last Wednesday around midday at the Talla Burn stream near Beaumont where he was taking water samples.






08 February 2011


So everyone has to have their first time, and I had mine last night at about 2:30am. Well, actually not everyone has thrown up during their pregnancy before. I am not sure was it because of my sickness, or was it because I am pregnant.

Anyway, today I am much better, cold is gone - still doesn't feel like eating much though - but I still ate a corn!

07 February 2011


I am sick, all these times, since last Thursday! Crazy isn't it. Can't take med except panadols, sometimes can't sleep well, so it's very slow to recover now. My Chinese New year with baby in my tummy was not fun.

Everyone in the Church seems to know already. I have no idea how. Many people came to me and said "Congratulations", but I didn't tell these people. Well, it's interesting to see how things spread so fast within a church, and you know, Chinese people. Again, as I have said before, I don't mind people knowing, given they don't mind they might be disappointed if anything happen. I know this sounds pessimistic but this is exactly what my worry is.

I hope BB is fine. He's sanctified to God, God will take care of him.




05 February 2011

Paul Wilson

Search widened for man missing in Central Otago

Paul is Whiter's boyfriend. He's missing for two days already. People are still trying to find him. I have no idea about the survival chance in this situation, but we should always have a positive hope in us.

Another sad news within a day. All my friends, take care.

04 February 2011

Patricia Ofrasio

Patricia is a very nice girl. She's the one in orange in the first photo, and the one right in the middle in the second photo. She’s very cheerful, happy, cute and energetic. I love her smile, and I love the way she presented in the Imagine Cup competition. She did very well.

This is my team, Team Proactive.



Patricia passed away last night.


Rest in peace, my girl. We will miss you so much. :’(

03 February 2011






02 February 2011

Eating too much


Mum said I am fat, getting fat too fast, so eat less! Alright, alright, I want to look pretty too so I am going to eat less from tonight.

At the moment, extremely sleepy again. Maybe I should go home and sleep and work at home later.


前晚和小王子談起蜜蜂,不得不慨嘆那奇妙的設定。要知道,只是蜜蜂 (honey bee)的工蜂才有這詭異的,自殺式的尾針,其他蜂類是沒有的。有人嘗試以「工蜂沒有整個群體就無法生存」為由,解釋為何牠們進化成這種同歸於盡的形態,我倒覺得那太牽強。




Am I really gaining weight too fast?

IMG_1102_bwThe truth is: No I have only gained 0.3kg. However during night time, I can blow up another 1.5kg for some strange reason. Maybe it’s only water, maybe because I ate too much during the day. However after a night, when I wake up in the morning and weight again, it’s actually not much difference from my original weight.

Mind you that, compare to last year the same time, I have gained 3 kgs in the year.
Alright, so I have to stop eating continuously, unrestrictedly. Less carbohydrates. Not because I am trying to reduce weight now, just that I cannot let myself increase weight too quickly. Plus, 1.5kg difference between day and night, probably a little bit too much, not making too much sense. I better be careful on my diet. A little bit control is required.

Still have eaten a lot today – that was before my phone conversation with mum. So from tonight, I will try eating less, haha.

Friend’s wedding not the coming Saturday, but next'; also another one in early march, one at the end of March, and one at the end of April. I should really behave… behave, behave!

01 February 2011

15 mins before meeting

I was feeling pretty good in the weekend, not much cramping, not much uncomfortable. Only yesterday I was really tired, slept in the afternoon, and slept early at night again.

Started listening to Mozart, although I do not think there will really be any advantage, more like an urban myth. Well, still, better than listening to stupid noisy music I suppose.

I have gained some weight already! Yes! Sigh... hope I won't get too fat at the end...!

Dad started looking at stuff in HK, and told me to see this site (layout is... not so good). Things are so expensive. No matter how good a news is, the reality side is always depressing, haha. Guess parents are a bit excited too. Myself? I am not dare to be too excited until I know this little thing here is healthy and will grow into a big thing.