31 May 2011
30 May 2011
I think I may as well be gaining weight too fast. Better start eating less junk and more healthy food. Naughty mama.
24 May 2011
22 May 2011
At least, keeping the object in the eyes denote some form of capturing and possessing.
21 May 2011
I am no longer alone. I know I am no longer alone. And this time, it's true. I can now admit and accept that I am being loved.
In unhappiness I have found the best and it is satisfying, I should be happy.
20 May 2011
18 May 2011
I am not happy. Not happy at all. And I can't do much to make myself happy. It's very annoying. I am very very annoyed. Man. I hate this whole thing. I know I have to be happy for Caelum to be happy and grow well, but this whole thing is bugging me so much.
17 May 2011
- 突然間諗起水嶋食cream puff個樣,好靚仔。
- Caelum永遠都係等王子瞓咗或者出咗門口先喺咁郁,擺明同佢老媽子一樣專搞對抗,係要玩嘢。
- 琴晚瞓得好,希望今晚都瞓得好。
- 坦白講,我都幾proud of我個丙+。
Ephemeris graviditis
Finally I have merged Ephemeris graviditis with this blog, yeah~ so the diary about Caelum would be here as well. :)
16 May 2011
說回Laputa,我最愛的一齣。浪漫與夢想、權力與貪婪、好壞的模糊介點、強盛卻淒涼的境況。機械人們一句話也沒說,那生存感卻不比隨早晨樂聲飛翔的鴿子低,使人投注的感情足以認定它們的結束是死亡而非僅是停止活動 - 我絕對有為它們的生命而哭。再加上Laputa的崩解,親手埋葬對方的野心與自己的夢,看著那生命的樹由中央開始解體,未看過哪會想像到中心部分還會剩下,唯一能動的機械人和鳥兒也繼續和睦和諧?沒有為那毀滅性的破碎而感傷的人,或者是白看了Laputa。
15 May 2011
14 May 2011
其實我想出去行下,我嘅意思唔係去Sylvia Park或者Botany,而係去下郊遊呀野餐呀燒吓嘢食之類。無得跑跑跳跳,個人好似悶咗五成,須知本身已經好悶。我淨係想一班人出去玩下,唔好成日喺屋企呀行街呀飲咖啡呀咁。就算出去玩係睇人地跑下跳下都好。總之,我想喺室外。
Puer vel puella
Let me list out my worries first, forget about being logical or rational:
1. Knowing the family (not my side) would prefer a puer and be happier with a puer, my rebellious nature hates the fact that they will love one more. So I wanted a puella.
2. I do not know how to deal with mentula pueri. This is an organ that I don't have! I feel weird about the fact that I will have to wash and examine the growth of it in the future. Also, docere filium meum de mentula eius. One of the weirdest thing ever.
3. It maybe fine if there's only one, but if there's a second and the second is not a puer, I can predict illa would be unfairly treated and not as loved by some people in the family. This thought totally eliminated any thought of having a second. Yet I may as well be digging myself a hole here: if this is a puella, for similar reason I would be afraid to have a second in case that's a puer. I guess I just hate the fact that people have favouritsm for a sick stupid idea about carrying some surname.
4. If it's a puella I can name illam nearly whatever I want. Now I have to make sure some particular one is happy about it. That person won't even care if it's a puella. Also this person won't even bother visiting us if it's a puella. Again these all make me feel sick of the whole business.
5. I hate that some people may interfere the way I teach with some really spoiling way and I know that if it's a puella they won't care that much.
6. Teaching something completely opposite is not easy. I do not know what a puer would like, what kind of books and toys and clothes. Till now all the clothes I wanted to buy are puellis. It's not about willingness, I just don't know how.
I guess in general these are what I concern.
Dia taught me one thing on how to perceive other people's favouritsm: "Then that's cream on cheese cake. It's been nicely served, Enjoy!" I like the thinking, but I still need extra steps for moving onwards using this thinking to resolve my concerns. And that, I guess I have to teach myself, with God's help.
13 May 2011
Sometimes, sometimes, I just don't get it. You always make it hard. Sometimes I even wonder that you only make it hard for me, since everyone says it's fine for them. Maybe once again I am too self-centred. Sometimes I am annoyed, and sometimes I am a bit angry, though this time I am just disappointed.
I thought you would value what I was thinking when I asked the question which is obviously serious and important. And I thought because you have realized the value therefore when you answered you were serious about that too. I thought you understood it's because I think you are important and I think this is important so I asked. I thought you understood I was serious. I thought you were serious too.
If it's my fault I am sorry. Sorry that I have misunderstood. Sorry that I thought you would have known it's not a question for everyone I know. Crazy that I am actually feeling quite "委屈" and cry when I had all these thoughts - I blame being pregnant, makes me stupidly easy to feel sad.
12 May 2011
I ran over a cat, very sad. I was too nervous and didn’t stop my car. Then I looked back in the mirror after a while, I saw the car after me stopped, and the driver went down to see the cat, I supposed.
It’s really sad. I never ran over any living animals.
I am not sure whether I should hope that she’s dead, or I should hope she’s alive but injured. I am sure she won’t be fine because I heard the sound when m car hit her.
10 May 2011
As a hopeless romantic I am easily satisfied by people's romantic gestures. And again, I insist romantic actions or things may not have correlation to romantic love. Romantic love relationship is only a subtype, a manifestation, a kind of romantic things. I totally appreciate people's romantic behaviours in other domains, other paradigms. Someone that is romantic may not imply his/her love relationship is a romantic one. Nevertheless, the person's romantic expressions may be undermined by the other person in a relationship. Not every one has the same idea.
Anyhow I may be a bit overly romantic to a point that is against nowadays "postmodern" way of merging romanticism, materialism and realism. I refuse to accept the money side of things to be part of the romantic measure. However I understand sometimes money is required to achieve the goal. Little-prince once bought me a very expensive bag. Money is the essential tool here, but I think it's romantic because of the symbolic meaning. It's not more romantic compare to some other things he had done that cost much less. This is not only on love relationship. Some arts required quite an extremely high cost to produce and one of the main reasons it is a piece of art is because of the no-reason cost. I dislike those too. I am not saying expensive production is the issue because some arts use high value materials in order to express the dedication (maybe to God), id est there is a meaning to its cost: then I think it's romantic.
Some of these maybe contradicting to each other, oh well, just my feelings at different times I guess. Anyway, too much for now. Should go to work.
09 May 2011
The mean look
Say, it's correct that I am not liking it when I refuse to talk to someone on phone (lol); but I am not disliking it when I look at someone in his/her face and eyes. I can never look into the person's eyes when I am not liking that person.
There are some other occasions in the past but these are the recent ones that I can remember. Sometimes at work I get the same thing: people think I am not liking something, but I am just too concentrated or feeling a little bit annoyed by the situations. Doesn't mean I am very unhappy about what's happening.
Must be my facial expression, too extreme. Haha!
08 May 2011
These dreams are scary, they really are. If you have never dreamt of losing teeth before, you wouldn't understand the feeling of it. Sometimes they are more realistic, say with blood; sometimes they are more surreal, like using glue to stick them back. No matter which kind they are never a pleasant experience.
I just want to dream about something else.
06 May 2011
05 May 2011
Lesson learned
This made me realised, that I did not appreciate what I have enough. It was too easy, and everything was so smooth. It neither took us ages nor required lots of effort and preparation. I never failed on this. Deep inside I was still questioning whether this is the correct choice and sometimes, maybe not regret, but uncertain about the choice we have already made. I was not valuing this enough. I didn’t realise how precious this is. That’s why I wasn’t as excited as people around me. I have undervalued the importance and gorgeousness, undermined God’s blessing.
Sometimes my emotions come really slow, and I am yet to catch up with the excitement in my brain. Apparently delay on apprehending how real this really is not only happen on daddies. I must be a really slow mum.
God bless the baby and us.
04 May 2011
Loving life
03 May 2011
Why women like to express so much more? I cannot speak for others, but when I think about this myself, I guess it's because we believe if we don't say it then men people won't know and understand. And to women being known and understood are so important because these are things indicating they are being loved.
Men on the other hand, don't mind people not knowing about them nor not understanding them as much. Moreover to them not being known and not being understood has nothing to do with being loved or not. And remember, men usually know they are being loved - they just want to be respected. To be respected, speaking about their feelings and emotions do not help - maybe they even believe the opposites work better.
No conclusion on this, just a thought.
02 May 2011