03 May 2011


Women like to talk about their feelings, men like to hide. Not just feelings, but loves and hates, opinions and beliefs, everything relating to the inner mind. Not all women, maybe. Not trying to generalize here.

Why women like to express so much more? I cannot speak for others, but when I think about this myself, I guess it's because we believe if we don't say it then men people won't know and understand. And to women being known and understood are so important because these are things indicating they are being loved.

Men on the other hand, don't mind people not knowing about them nor not understanding them as much. Moreover to them not being known and not being understood has nothing to do with being loved or not. And remember, men usually know they are being loved - they just want to be respected. To be respected, speaking about their feelings and emotions do not help - maybe they even believe the opposites work better.

No conclusion on this, just a thought.

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