28 September 2011
The sign
No regular pain till now though. Apparently after show, some people will deliver the baby in 24 hours, some will be days, and some can be a week or two. So there's nothing definite there. Midwife said given Caelum keeps moving, nothing too worry there, just give her a call again this afternoon, and keep the Friday appointment with her.
Ante natal class told me about contraction, but didn't tell me about Bloody Show! Made me worry last night and woke Nick up too. Good that he could finally go back to sleep although it wasn't too well and I could kind of go back to sleep too.
Oh he is really coming soon and possibly any time from now. May not be able to go to baby show on Saturday, dinner with friends on Saturday night, nor attend my baby shower the coming Sunday!
26 September 2011
也想起了模特兒J。有次他在阿勇家,我們三人「煲粥」 - 即是上幾小時在電話裡吹水 - 化了很長時間討論這個在眾人眼中的型男在女朋友向之索吻的一刻怕羞得臨陣退縮竟立刻丟下女友轉身逃離現場的問題。現在回想起他的純情(或愚蠢?),也覺得有點好笑。後期他認識了另一個女朋友,勇說她很可愛很相襯,又說J已計劃結婚。。。那年,我們中五,結果還是無疾而終。
因著這許多的ICQ對話 ,我當然也想起了Kxvxn先生。前幾天散步路過他以前的家,說起那家有閣樓,小王子問是不是我喜歡的那種閣樓,我才驚覺自己的印象竟如斯模糊:是怎樣的閣樓呢?他家是怎樣的呢?我去過那麼多次,竟忘記了大部分。女人都如我那樣的狠?不喜歡了,連記憶都送走。所以記得很多的話,大概代表很有感情。
順帶一提,Kxvxn的舊居就在姑丈家斜對面,街尾則是小五的第一女神的家,我們也有路過,也有談起她。上次和小五、00和May May相聚時也有提起。一直沒見過,也不知這第一女神現在怎樣了。
23 September 2011
18 September 2011
唉。。。越諗越覺得。。。都係聽日專心寫埋公司份嘢,phone interview幾個人先算喇。
14 September 2011
PostSecret: Goods in people
This is one of the most interesting secrets on the new PostSecret app this week.

It has generated lots of reply, including the following:

I didn't feel anything special when I first read the secret, till I read all these replies. I can feel the world is desperate, the human race needs love and kindness. That's why people are so amazed and touch when little things in life like this happened and be shared.
It's amazing how people's needs are realised and hearts get closer because of this.
13 September 2011
12 September 2011
The Tree of Life
Talked about Evolution and Darwin's Tree of Life. I thought about Klimt's Tree of Life. Biology, Religion and Art.

The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze, 1909, Gustav Klimt
剛入春天的中秋節,非常大風。下午外出買午餐時差點被風吹走了 - 別忘了是我現在這般龐大的身型。
11 September 2011
RWC 2011 so far...
Third day of RWC, so far:
NZL - TGA: expected, nothing exciting here. ABs obviously only aimed to get the bonus point, not anything dramatic.
SCO - ROM: expectedly Scotland won but an unexpectedly tight game!
FJI - NAM: I nearly fell asleep when it was playing on Maori TV, maybe because I knew the score already.
FRA - JPN: totally expected result yet France must had sweated quite a bit when Japan made the point gap so close! I could see that on the face on the French coach. XD
ARG - ENG: For the performance and effort sake Argentina should have won! Lucky English, and ROFL @ Johnny Wilkinson! England defence coach insisted Wilkinson is still the man with the magic boot and he said he'd bet his mortgage on his next kick (that's how much they trust him, he said). Hope he is not going to lose his house.
AUS - ITA: looked at the score, not even interested in watching the highlights.
IRE - USA: not interested in USA.
RSA - WAL: Wales started off sloppy but played better and better over the 80 mins especially the second half! I think they deserved to win over SA! However when the last kick was missed I know they have no luck and the game will end with SA winning by 1 single stupid point. Sad.
Oh by the way, I think the opening celebrations and ceremony were great! Maybe just me being bias. And as usual, Auckland traffic was crap and unreliable. Just the way our city is.
09 September 2011
RWC 2011 is here today!
Rugby World Cup 2011 is starting today! Although we are all saying that we may choke again and do not expect too much and don’t get too excited because it’s going to be disappointing blah blah blah, come on, it’s here! No matter we will win or not it’s a cool event. Especially this is happening in New Zealand this year – you know, there’s not many big events in New Zealand.
This is today’s Google doodle. Yeah yeah yeah~ Go the All Blacks~
Caelum will come in between the RWC. I just hope the traffic will be okay on the day I have to rush to the hospital. I have looked at the schedule, the last pool game is on the 2nd October but last pool game in Eden Park is on the 1st October 8:30pm. Then Quarter-final starts on the 8th October 8:30pm. So if Caelum comes on his EDD, id est 7th October, then maybe the traffic is fine… a few days early maybe better. Otherwise he will have to wait till after the 9th because 10th to 14th have no game too.
Let’s see whether he can come to this world in those date ranges.
08 September 2011
07 September 2011
06 September 2011
Keystroke counter and wedding ring
Read the following from PostSecret today, it’s actually from a month ago, but I haven’t read PostSecret for a while. Read it, it’s actually very interesting.

[The following email was posted with permission. The wedding band has been removed and Federal Expressed back to the sender.]
Dear Frank,This past week you should have received a postcard with a keystroke counter and a wedding ring. My husband used the keystroke counter to spy on me during my affair.
Is there anyway I can get my ring back? You can post the secret, maybe another person can learn from it, how much damage an affair can cause and how easy it is to be caught.
We're going through marriage counseling now and I'm trying to make amends. Neither of us wants to split our home and our two kids up because of a mistake I made.
Thank you very much.
On one hand I am glad that they are trying to work things out, on the other hand I am amazed with several things:
- The ring actually got posted to PostSecret successfully – no one took it!
- People use keystroke counter to spy on affairs?!
- Neither of them want to split.
Overall it’s an interesting story to share.
05 September 2011