31 December 2011
Last Day of 2011
I seldom review the year that's finishing and not usually have any new year's resolution too. Nevertheless, I have to say, 2011 was a special year. From pregnant to Caelum's arrival, and now he's three months old. This is the biggest change in my life, actually, our lives. He's a happy boy, I hope he can always be a happy boy.
40 mins to go.
I think the one most significant thing I have realised this year is how normal I am. I am a normal person living a normal life with a normal family forming normal relationships with people everyday and working on a normal job. It's not a sad thing to be ordinary.
30 mins to go.
Love you all.
27 December 2011
Bad dream
I hate dreams that scare myself to wake up. Now what?
The uneasy feeling remains, keeps me out from reality, stops me from going back to sleep. Imagination flies in the wrong direction.
Just go away!
26 December 2011
Christmas 2011
昨天是聖誕,又是星期日。一如既往上教會。崇拜後有Christmas Party,在教會留到兩時左右,再到麥當當吃了杯McFlurry。回家和Caelum睡了兩小時。夜晚沒飯開的人聚在我家,幸好「小菜王」有開門可買外賣。就這樣我和六位男仕(包括Caelum)過了聖誕夜。
今天Boxing Day。小王子繼續油deck,我和Caelum去Shopping。累死人。多人得像在尖沙咀,還要推著BB車,我還十分佩服自己。買了沒減價的東西給Caelum,太浪費了。
20 December 2011
The furthest distance in the world
A friend of mine posted a picture on facebook:
Then another friend of mine replied (which has been removed already) with a few lines started with “世上最遙遠的距離…”. By now you should already know, this has nothing to do with Tagore at all. It’s probably originated from 《荷包裡的單人床》, written by 張小嫻:
Anyway, I am not here to talk about these lines, I am not here to discuss 張小嫻 as well.
The furthest distance – I pondered on this. Is this really the furthest distance? Comparing to “being far far apart”, and comparing to “the quick and the dead”? I don’t know. If you are alive, and we are not far far apart, at least I can see you, I can talk to you, I can understand you, I can see your smile, I can love you. Does it really matter too much that you don’t know I love you?
I then thought a bit more. Maybe the furthest distance in the world, at all time, is “I have the confidence in myself going to heaven but you are still in doubt”. So as Christmas is at the corner, maybe we should tell our friends and family about Christ. You know, to keep our distance short, always. :)
Merry Christmas, everyone.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
-- John 3:16-17
14 December 2011
週末我們買了這個,多年的願意終於達成!我一直想要一個帳幕讓我可以躲進去,一直都沒有機會,見過的又都太昂貴,小王子也覺得沒地方可以放。終於我們建了一個Deck,又碰巧這個帳幕在Sylvia Park的攤位發售,而且價錢可接受,我三心兩意下還是買了回來。現在一點也沒後悔,很高興我有買它呢!
12 December 2011
07 December 2011
另外00也要在一月結婚了,她倒不是閃婚的,也在一起數年了。我之後是May May,現在是00,還要等Da da, GG和Lou Lou。。。噢,當然還要等小五,但小五看上去還是有點距離啊啊啊!閣下請努力一點,讓我們安心。
29 November 2011
第一天和他們去了(N)One Tree Hill,昨天和他們出去市中心,又駕車過橋去Devonport。今天中午我把他們兩個送去內陸機場,飛往Queenstown遊南島。
25 November 2011
Five Years
Today is our five years wedding anniversary, and Caelum is 8 weeks old.
So, five years.
I wanted to write something about it, but end up, can’t even think of a word. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. We had good times and bad times, like all other couples in this world. Sometimes there’s something missing, like now, when we both are too busy with Caelum as well as our work and other stuff. Although Nick usually doesn’t agree there’s something missing, I would still try to search this missing piece. From time to time I may find it, but for a while we may lose it again. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong between us, but the spark is not obvious, and I desperately need to find it.
Nevertheless, I realise having a child make us enter another form of this relationship, which causes both of us have less time and thoughts for each other unavoidably. An arrival of baby causes some gap, but also fill the gap.
I guess once we are more used to having an extra family member, we will find our equilibrium again.
No matter what, it’s a happy thing to be married with my little prince for five years. We left Caelum with my parents and went out for dinner last night. :)
24 November 2011
Seven years
Two days ago was my 7 years Anniversary at Olympic Software. Seven years, man, since I graduated from university I have been working there for Joe. It’s always good time, never thought about leaving. Partly because of all the freedom I got here, partly because of the love.
So doughnuts I brought to work.
19 November 2011
11 November 2011
05 November 2011
一、有胸唔等於有奶。我胸都唔算細,但係就係冇 - 有啲嘢同外表係不一嘅。
二、冇奶就飲幾多魚湯木瓜湯都係冇奶 - 有時啲嘢無法強求。
三、胸係一對但唔係完全一樣,出奶量同速度都唔同 - 連一個人嘅胸都可以有差異,世界上係無identical嘅人嘅,神造人每個都係獨特嘅。
四、Caelum因為一邊胸出奶慢同少所以每次我要佢食嗰邊胸佢都極其厭惡。Birthcare個midwife話,都要佢食,無得㨂。好多家長就係小朋友唔鍾意就由得佢,縱壞晒 - 人大咗唔係咩唔鍾意就可以唔要唔做,有時唔鍾意,都要繼續。
五、無奶唔一定係壞事,對某些事可能更方便 - 有時冥冥中早有安排,度身定做好一套適合個別嘅人嘅狀況。
七、好多時pump到一半Caelum就喊要理佢 - 有啲嘢根本就唔到你控制。
02 November 2011
01 November 2011
Lose yourself
Have I posted this before? This is one of my favourite ad. I think it's really romantic and I would love to be found or find someone like this.
31 October 2011
26 October 2011
Cheers 2011
So in 2011 I got pregnant, gave birth to Caelum, and we New Zealand got the Web Ellis Cup.
How nice.
4 more days, Caelum will be 1 month old.
And 25th November is our 5 years wedding anniversary.
22 October 2011
Pater et unigenitus filius
No time to type this epiphany out in Chinese - well to be more correct, I nearly have no time at all to type this up.
The other day I was meditating - just a more fancy word to say "I was thinking" because I have used the word "epiphany" already - and I have realized this one most important thing from having Caelum in my life: why God has chosen to use "Father and only begotten (unigenitus) son" relationship to reveal himself and his salvation.
If I didn't have a son, I would not fully understand the pain, the suffering, the seriousness, the symbolism God has chosen to use this relationship to represent. Think about that, why didn't God set the identity of Jesus to be something like "the doppelgänger", or "the homo sapiens presentation of God himself", or whatever, but instead has chosen the Father-son relationship to tell people who Jesus is? The great love he wants to show us through sending his unigenitus filius has a much greater magnitude of depth, and it's not some arbitrary thing that he has decided to do out of nowhere.
And I guess, one with a child may understand more about the pain that God himself is bearing in the whole salvation project: imagine sending your child to the cross, and before that, facing all those difficulties and accusations and sufferings.
Anyway, if this doesn't make much sense or in anywhere words missing or sentences incomplete, forgive me - trying to make a baby sleep at the same time. Shhhhh...
18 October 2011
13 October 2011
12 October 2011
而家一有長少少嘅空閒時間,我都選擇瞓覺,或者好似呢一刻咁,唔瞓著都攤下抖下。因為要夜晚起幾次身每次搞成個鐘,真係有啲辛苦。通常有「為咩我要咁」嘅諗法,就係呢啲時間。王子多數都起唔倒身,我又唔忍心要佢起身 - 如果嗰一次自己搞得掂嘅話。
11 October 2011
09 October 2011
到要生的時後,epidural其實已經過了大部份。也就是說我要很痛的生Caelum出來。兩次問midwife可不可以top up epidural,她也說不可以,因為要我推他出來。於是我在非常痛楚之下推了二十分鐘,就把Caelum生出來了。雖然是很痛,但只是二十分鐘而已!有許多人要痛著生很久,又或者是打了epidural後感覺不到,所以還是生了很久。不過那痛還是免不了的啦。人家說痛死,我告訴你,是痛得寧願去死!
生了Caelum後一會,我已經可以下床行走了。結果我是自己抱著Caelum走上車,再走入Birthcare,在那裡住了三天。除了定時吃panadol外,甚麼也不用,哪裡也可以自己行去。聽媽媽和好些Aunties說, 生後很痛,有些更說要坐水泡。我好像沒甚麼事似的,傷囗是有點痛,縫針也是有的,但我真的沒甚麼大礙呢,非常感恩。
06 October 2011
Lesson learned no. 1
The first three days (after the first night) were really stressful for me. I tried to breast feed Caelum but he never could get enough. So after I fed him, then put him down, then in half an hour he cried for food again. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat properly, hands shaking all the time. I felt so defeated and useless, cried at night when I was alone with Caelum in Birthcare, felt so sorry for him.
The day we returned home, Nick and I have decided to top Caelum's diet up with formula. It's just not worth it - I mean, me being overly stressed and blame myself and not sure what to do versus all the good of feeding only breast milk. I was not bonding with Caelum, and instead I was just kept worrying when he'd stop crying and feel satisfied. After a day and a night, I finally got rid of the guilt of not just feeding Caelum with breast milk but adding formula as well. Then I started to feel much more relax and can bond with Caelum. My hands were no longer shaking (physically) all the time. Caelum also started to feel more satisfied and can sleep for a few hours instead of half an hour (or worst 15 mins) too. From yesterday, he started to smile. Now he smiles very often.
I have learned quite a bit when I was getting through this struggle. I have been pushing myself too harsh for something - yes, important - but may not be the most important. Nick said would I ever blame my mum for not breast feeding me and I said no, then he said Caelum would be the same. I have been focused on the wrong thing. If I am not happy and bonding with Caelum correctly but instead in a overly stressful and uneasy way, then the basic parent-child relationship is ruined - not feeding formula that would ruin the relationship. After all I think Caelum wants us to love him instead of feeling he's a source of stress and burden.
Everyday I am learning something new with taking care of this boy here. At least now I am more relax, and ready, to enjoy the time with him.
01 October 2011
The day after Caelum Nicholas Mok arrived
So after 36+ hours of contractions and 20 mins of active pushing delivery, Caelum arrived at 9:25am yesterday, 30th September 2011. Jacky said I should have waited for another 5 mins so it would be 9:30 on 30/09. I tell you what, in serious pain, you just want baby out ASAP.
My epidural mostly wore off before delivery, but midwife said not going to top up because I need to do it. So I did. Honestly it wad crazily painful 20 mins, but I know compare to our mums who didn't take epidural at all it's ten times less painful already. Also, thanks to the super pro epidural guy, I on and off slept for 5 hours before giving birth, so kind of full of energy. That's why I was kind of fast already. Nevertheless I tell you, very very painful, very. Don't believe anyone who said it's nit painful unless they got epidural all the way (which will make the pushing part slower and more difficult but painless).
People said I should be proud of myself for having done that, actually I only felt amazing that I actually have done that - and succeeded. Did I actually gave birth to this 3.46kg baby who's now sleeping on my shoulder? Soft but not fragile actually, feels really firm and tough already.
Oh yeah, and heaps of hair, like me when I was born. Though this is the only thing looks like me, everything else looks like a little Nick already. He has many distinctive features of Nick. You know, even his hair style is similar to his daddy, how could that be?!
I am not the "my boy is the cutest" type of person. I will tell you that he's a good sleeper - for now - and not too interested in eating yet. Heavy, yes, will surely feel tire after holding him for a while. Can poop and fart. Not crying much as he prefers sleeping. Hearing is very good, attracted to sound and like to look around (although he can't see much at this stage, only shapes and colours). Oh and, the obvious: chubby face )o_o( and black long hair. Mucous still in his tummy and respiration system so he doesn't sleep very well sometime if lying down with his back. So, like now, I hold him and let him sleep more upright, then he can breath better. Also, looks like sometimes he dreams too.
Oh by the way, see the little hat I knitted in action - a bit too big at the moment because I always worried that he would have an extremely large head like his daddy. Not a bad thing, so he can wear this for longer. :)
28 September 2011
The sign
No regular pain till now though. Apparently after show, some people will deliver the baby in 24 hours, some will be days, and some can be a week or two. So there's nothing definite there. Midwife said given Caelum keeps moving, nothing too worry there, just give her a call again this afternoon, and keep the Friday appointment with her.
Ante natal class told me about contraction, but didn't tell me about Bloody Show! Made me worry last night and woke Nick up too. Good that he could finally go back to sleep although it wasn't too well and I could kind of go back to sleep too.
Oh he is really coming soon and possibly any time from now. May not be able to go to baby show on Saturday, dinner with friends on Saturday night, nor attend my baby shower the coming Sunday!
26 September 2011
也想起了模特兒J。有次他在阿勇家,我們三人「煲粥」 - 即是上幾小時在電話裡吹水 - 化了很長時間討論這個在眾人眼中的型男在女朋友向之索吻的一刻怕羞得臨陣退縮竟立刻丟下女友轉身逃離現場的問題。現在回想起他的純情(或愚蠢?),也覺得有點好笑。後期他認識了另一個女朋友,勇說她很可愛很相襯,又說J已計劃結婚。。。那年,我們中五,結果還是無疾而終。
因著這許多的ICQ對話 ,我當然也想起了Kxvxn先生。前幾天散步路過他以前的家,說起那家有閣樓,小王子問是不是我喜歡的那種閣樓,我才驚覺自己的印象竟如斯模糊:是怎樣的閣樓呢?他家是怎樣的呢?我去過那麼多次,竟忘記了大部分。女人都如我那樣的狠?不喜歡了,連記憶都送走。所以記得很多的話,大概代表很有感情。
順帶一提,Kxvxn的舊居就在姑丈家斜對面,街尾則是小五的第一女神的家,我們也有路過,也有談起她。上次和小五、00和May May相聚時也有提起。一直沒見過,也不知這第一女神現在怎樣了。
23 September 2011
18 September 2011
唉。。。越諗越覺得。。。都係聽日專心寫埋公司份嘢,phone interview幾個人先算喇。
14 September 2011
PostSecret: Goods in people
This is one of the most interesting secrets on the new PostSecret app this week.

It has generated lots of reply, including the following:

I didn't feel anything special when I first read the secret, till I read all these replies. I can feel the world is desperate, the human race needs love and kindness. That's why people are so amazed and touch when little things in life like this happened and be shared.
It's amazing how people's needs are realised and hearts get closer because of this.
13 September 2011
12 September 2011
The Tree of Life
Talked about Evolution and Darwin's Tree of Life. I thought about Klimt's Tree of Life. Biology, Religion and Art.

The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze, 1909, Gustav Klimt
剛入春天的中秋節,非常大風。下午外出買午餐時差點被風吹走了 - 別忘了是我現在這般龐大的身型。
11 September 2011
RWC 2011 so far...
Third day of RWC, so far:
NZL - TGA: expected, nothing exciting here. ABs obviously only aimed to get the bonus point, not anything dramatic.
SCO - ROM: expectedly Scotland won but an unexpectedly tight game!
FJI - NAM: I nearly fell asleep when it was playing on Maori TV, maybe because I knew the score already.
FRA - JPN: totally expected result yet France must had sweated quite a bit when Japan made the point gap so close! I could see that on the face on the French coach. XD
ARG - ENG: For the performance and effort sake Argentina should have won! Lucky English, and ROFL @ Johnny Wilkinson! England defence coach insisted Wilkinson is still the man with the magic boot and he said he'd bet his mortgage on his next kick (that's how much they trust him, he said). Hope he is not going to lose his house.
AUS - ITA: looked at the score, not even interested in watching the highlights.
IRE - USA: not interested in USA.
RSA - WAL: Wales started off sloppy but played better and better over the 80 mins especially the second half! I think they deserved to win over SA! However when the last kick was missed I know they have no luck and the game will end with SA winning by 1 single stupid point. Sad.
Oh by the way, I think the opening celebrations and ceremony were great! Maybe just me being bias. And as usual, Auckland traffic was crap and unreliable. Just the way our city is.
09 September 2011
RWC 2011 is here today!
Rugby World Cup 2011 is starting today! Although we are all saying that we may choke again and do not expect too much and don’t get too excited because it’s going to be disappointing blah blah blah, come on, it’s here! No matter we will win or not it’s a cool event. Especially this is happening in New Zealand this year – you know, there’s not many big events in New Zealand.
This is today’s Google doodle. Yeah yeah yeah~ Go the All Blacks~
Caelum will come in between the RWC. I just hope the traffic will be okay on the day I have to rush to the hospital. I have looked at the schedule, the last pool game is on the 2nd October but last pool game in Eden Park is on the 1st October 8:30pm. Then Quarter-final starts on the 8th October 8:30pm. So if Caelum comes on his EDD, id est 7th October, then maybe the traffic is fine… a few days early maybe better. Otherwise he will have to wait till after the 9th because 10th to 14th have no game too.
Let’s see whether he can come to this world in those date ranges.
08 September 2011
07 September 2011
06 September 2011
Keystroke counter and wedding ring
Read the following from PostSecret today, it’s actually from a month ago, but I haven’t read PostSecret for a while. Read it, it’s actually very interesting.

[The following email was posted with permission. The wedding band has been removed and Federal Expressed back to the sender.]
Dear Frank,This past week you should have received a postcard with a keystroke counter and a wedding ring. My husband used the keystroke counter to spy on me during my affair.
Is there anyway I can get my ring back? You can post the secret, maybe another person can learn from it, how much damage an affair can cause and how easy it is to be caught.
We're going through marriage counseling now and I'm trying to make amends. Neither of us wants to split our home and our two kids up because of a mistake I made.
Thank you very much.
On one hand I am glad that they are trying to work things out, on the other hand I am amazed with several things:
- The ring actually got posted to PostSecret successfully – no one took it!
- People use keystroke counter to spy on affairs?!
- Neither of them want to split.
Overall it’s an interesting story to share.
05 September 2011
01 September 2011
28 August 2011
26 August 2011
25 August 2011
We'll always have Paris
為愛你 佔據你一生 比分手更殘忍
若愛你 卻要你犧牲 怎麼可算情深
在那裡 你會更開心 我怎可以自私
為了你 有更好開始 再不捨也願意
縱使不見 愛情仍可天荒地老
然而我想起Before Sunrise和Before Sunset。男女主角在分開與再遇之間都過著自己的生活。不是沒有想過對方,只是依然會和別人走在一起,和別人戀愛和別人結婚和別人睡和別人生孩子。真的淡泊也好,還是為吸引對方所以那樣說也好,怎樣在那九年內還是各有各的生活著戀愛著。沒有生不如死,也沒有守候一生。再見還是浪漫的,無可否認那感情還是存在的,避免不了的互相吸引著。
及後又想到Casablanca,Rick與Ilsa的關係。當初她走了,為著原來還未死的丈夫;到再遇見原來還是帶著愛慕之情。最後他使她走了,說"We'll always have Paris.",為過去的都畫上了句號,只有懷念。
22 August 2011
21 August 2011
Yummy cake and Sunny day
Today is Mr. Choy's 30th birthday. Last night we went steamboat with him and some friends. I like the cake Jason bought, it's very yummy.
We went to Viaduct and the North Wharf this afternoon after Church, where the trams are, and where all the new extensions are built as part of the Rugby World Cup preparation. Good exercise for me. For a longtime I haven't been walking for more than 15 mins! It's good timing too because my back pain has basically gone in the last week. Before I really can't walk for long.
Nice weather and warm when the sun was out. It's a bit windy when we walked back from Gelato place to Jason's car, but overall it was an enjoyable afternoon.
I was a bit sleepy after I got home, but didn't sleep before dinner. Now it's 10:30pm, guess it's about time to rest. However that doesn't mean I am going to sleep now. Usually I will spend an hour on sudoku in bed before I sleep at night, haha.
20 August 2011
17 August 2011
I was reading some old blog posts of people. Once again, after many years, I realise sometimes attraction and attachment just build up secretly and quietly from no where. Different kind of relationships arise from time to time between people: friendship, love, trust, or all sorts of negative kinds. Looking back it's hard to figure out how some of these has been developed, formed or changed. Since when I found this guy interesting? Since when I wanted to be friend with him? Since when I fell in love with him? Since when I found these people annoying? Since when I disliked those people? I wonder how many people can clearly work out the start or the causes of these feelings.
Maybe the start and causes are not important, but that's really quite interesting. I sometimes wonder why myself would become good friends with some people, and why myself would find some people more attractive, and why myself would be more attached to some people but not some others. I guess it's the same kind of mystery for everyone, and sometimes it may as well be left as a mystery.
Oh I am not sure what myself is trying to say anymore. Anyway.
16 August 2011
Connect 2011 Day 1
無題 XV
15 August 2011
10 August 2011
太概每一對人也不一樣吧。有些人結婚純為相愛,有些人結婚為責任,也有些人結婚為逃避令一些恐懼。記得數個月以前某男在與甲女分手後要復合時立刻提出結婚,而復合關係還是不果;數月後在發生大事情後立刻與導前者分手之乙女提出結婚。抽身看這事,不說甚麼,只覺得這樣的反應或者是PTSD的表現 - 所以我說也有些人要結婚是為逃避令一些恐懼。
08 August 2011
01 August 2011
Two birdies
I was just testing out Illustrator, not really had anything in my mind when I was drawing this. Turn out these birdies are quite cute. :D
I am going to spend more time on Illustrator to try different things out.
Birdies are in love~
29 July 2011
Guess I am a happy person
28 July 2011
- 今天應該很高興
- 原來過得很快樂
- 天吾、時間、我、貓之村
- 不幸福的愛情的實戰經驗
- … 還有許多
27 July 2011
I heard this news on the radio this morning.
Maori MP: 'Condemn' suicide victims
"If a child commits suicide, let us consider not celebrating their lives on our marae; perhaps bury them at the entrance of the cemetery so their deaths will be condemned by the people," he wrote.
"In doing these things, it demonstrates the depth of disgust the people have with this. Yes it is a hard stance, but what else can we do?"
Yes, we should discourage people commit suicide, of course, all lives are valuable, but not celebrating their lives in the marae? Bury them at the entrance of the cemetery so their deaths will be condemned? Are these actions penalising the dead ones, or their family, whanau and iwi? Are the reasons of these people committed suicide being considered?
It’s easy to say “people should never commit suicide, be positive and face the difficulties in our lives”, yet sometimes it’s not that simple.
It’s just… not that simple.
26 July 2011
寂寞過剩 無邊昇平
現在播的是《再見二丁目》,黃耀明的Live版,也是我很喜歡的歌呢。只是我不太喜歡這個Live版。然後是黃耀明的Live版《約定》 - 只不過剛好我調了iTunes是順著Artist播下去而已。