17 April 2012

Caelum over 6 months old.…

Last night Nick and I left home for dinner without saying bye bye to Caelum. He found out we were missing, and cried non stop even though grandpa and grandma were there. Cried so hard then fell asleep. Woke up, slowly remembered we were not there, cried again, even cried in dinner time and didn’t want to eat. Grandpa took him out of the house and told him we were really not there, then he was unhappy but kinda stopped. I called and mum told me, so I video call them on my iphone. Caelum was not crying at first, but once he saw me on the screen and realised it’s me, he frowned and started crying again. Till we got home, hugged him, he’s back to his normal smiling face.

Funny boy, started to know parents are here or not here.

We have dressed him up for Nick’s brother wedding on Saturday. Caelum was very handsome, haha.


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