25 November 2011

Five Years

Today is our five years wedding anniversary, and Caelum is 8 weeks old.

So, five years.

I wanted to write something about it, but end up, can’t even think of a word. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad. We had good times and bad times, like all other couples in this world. Sometimes there’s something missing, like now, when we both are too busy with Caelum as well as our work and other stuff. Although Nick usually doesn’t agree there’s something missing, I would still try to search this missing piece. From time to time I may find it, but for a while we may lose it again. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong between us, but the spark is not obvious, and I desperately need to find it.

Nevertheless, I realise having a child make us enter another form of this relationship, which causes both of us have less time and thoughts for each other unavoidably. An arrival of baby causes some gap, but also fill the gap.

I guess once we are more used to having an extra family member, we will find our equilibrium again.

No matter what, it’s a happy thing to be married with my little prince for five years. We left Caelum with my parents and went out for dinner last night. :)

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