13 February 2012


The one important thing that I didn't bring to Napier was my blanky. Dr. J asked me about my blanky after he knew, like since when do I have a blanky, is it always the same one, do I need to buy exactly the same one when the old one is too old, etc. the truth is, I am not that picky. Or say, I am not that OCD. I do need a blanky to sleep well and it has to be the blanky I hold onto every night. Nevertheless from time to time I change my blanky when one becomes too old and need to be thrown away. All I need is some overlapping time, having both with me until I get used to the new one. Also, they don't have to have the same size nor colour. I just need the blanky to have certain type of texture. It's all about the touching feeling. I probably have five or six different blankies already since I was born. This is my current blanky:

Not too big, very handy, I can bring it everywhere I go. It's true that I do not sleep tight without it. I guess it's just the same thing as some people need to sleep with their own pillows. I love my blanky, and not ashamed of having one. :P

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