25 May 2009


Although it's a sleepy day for me, it was a good day yesterday.

In the morning we went to McDonald for breakfast as our Sunday usual. Yes, yes, I did say I am gonna eat less, but cold day need food to fix it up. Then we went to New World supermarket. I was thinking someone may suddenly decided to take my 小月 on stage that morning but Chris took my 9 volt battery, so I went to New World to get one just in case. Ya, I am a "just-in-case" person, that's why usually I pack everything including the things that I normally don't use to camp. Anyway, it turns out someone didn't even remember he should be playing guitar in the morning. :P

Then we went to Church. It's Holy Word Church's 15th birthday today. Everyone's happy, I think. Adrian laughed at me when he first saw me in the morning, he said I wore so many clothes, like it's really cold. Hey, IT WAS cold! Sorted out some stones and cups for Katie and chatted with the young girls. Singspiration team all dressed in some sort of purple, including the unintended coincidental purple scarf of 蓮's master. Right, first time 蓮 get on the stage, Mei Mei took a picture of him alone after the Sunday service. Katherine wore her new pretty T-shirt (well, she got a new one *very* often anyway) and sat next to me during the service. Pastor Man was here with us and he preached a very good sermon. Ah, and they cut the cake, which I didn't eat.

Not particularly want to mention this, but at several moments I felt sad that he couldn't wait and see this 15th birthday. Maybe he's watching, just not in the same dimension.

After lunch, it's guitar lesson as usual. At night we went back to Church for... ummm... a sharing time, I guess? I was quite sleepy though. Actually, I am still sleepy now. 大大福 was on stage, little-prince was obviously enjoying it.

Weather wasn't good AT ALL, but that was not a problem for the day. I have a feeling that people are generally happy, so, I am happy too. :)

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