01 October 2008

A Dream

I had a dream this morning that I shall write it down. It is not the only dream I had last night (plus this morning), but it is an unusual dream. Note this dream is in cartoon style. To be clear, I am going to use some images.

I am a young boy in a blue and white horizontal strips T-shirt. I have just met another young boy who's in a green and white horizontal strips T-shirt.

"Remove it", he said.

Then I remove my mask. It is not a face-mask, but a full head mask.
image image

"How do you know that, did Eric tell you (that I wear a mask)?", I said.

This guy took my mask, point onto it and said "Here is my signature. I made this."

Then he took out a mask and wore it onto his face. He has became a shy young boy. I watched him took out another mask and put it onto an object, and that object became a living man. This man didn't talk much, but he greeted me in some way. I stared at him and didn't say a word. The shy young boy saw that I was not very comfortable with this man, so he pulled out another mask, and out of nothing, he created a living woman who's wearing an apron.

"Do you want some pancake?", she asked. Before I say anything, she turned her back and started making some pancakes for me. She had some conversations with the shy boy while she's cooking. At this point I understood that these are parent figures.

The boy turned to me and started talking. "I can create 3D objects", He said, and he took out a big piece of glass brick.

This glass brick is huge. He first showed me the side highlighted in yellow in the daigram. It's hard to explain what I see, the closet analogy is like looking into a fridge with the fridge door opened. "You see, this side is 3D. But it's not just that. When you are looking from the side, it is also a 3D image.", he said, while he was turning his glass brick and showing me the side highlighted in green.

After that he took out another piece of huge glass brick, which is divided into small squares. the four side of every square has a 3D image, but the middle is empty. The is a small insect in one of the square to prove it is empty.
Then my alarm woke me up.

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