31 January 2011

I, me and myself

Wondering how many "I" have been used in the last post. Obviously that was a post about I, me and myself. Haha. 

Not feeling guilty about such a self-oriented post though because it wasn't one base on my selfish thoughts. The world no longer revolves around me.

It never was. Just a fact that I didn't realise earlier.

Transformer (+ the transforming sound)

A lot of people worry about eating this and that for health safety, while I am a bit worry about stop "eating" Citalopram. I have stopped this for a few weeks already and up to now I think I am fine. Few weeks ago I stopped merely because I couldn't find the meds, then GP told me to stop when I received a confirmation. Although Dr. J said it's safe, I still didn't continue. 

Read other people's experiences online, many have to start taking them again because they cannot fight the monster themselves. I am a little bit worry, but honestly not too much. I am not saying I am better, but I think I have transformed.

I think the changes I had experienced were deep down in the soul and thoughts, ergo I have been doing alright in the past few months. I believe it wasn't the Citalopram's job anymore in the later times. I am truly a happier and positive thinking girl now. It's true that occasionally I feel troubled and not wanting to deal with something, but I believe every normal single person faces similar thing from day to day. The key is the way to solve it, to see it, even just put it aside for a short while.

"And you can see people love you right?" I keep doing this self-check. I know if one day again I started to feel people don't love me and rather I didn't exist, then it would be the sign of things are going out of control again. Up till now I think I am fine, I know I am loved and accepted. People around care and happy and worry and sad for me truthfully, not just being polite externally.

Last night I was with a big group of people again. I feel 100% comfortable and I am pretty sure I know myself is part of them. There was nothing wrong with my existence. I was like everyone else. There was no separation and division. And I was happy, truly, not empty inside but act happy outside. I can feel that I am a normal person, so this is me. 

I think Candy has done a really good job here.

Thank God for transformed and keep transforming me. 

30 January 2011





28 January 2011

So who stole the moon?

No moon tonight, only rain, rain, and rain. so who stole the moon tonight?


27 January 2011


Exercise is a must in graviditate - as all the sources say. Therefore I have started walking (during work time, just 15 mins walk down to Ellerslie main street), and started to do some mild Wii Fit exercises again. This morning I woke up early, so I started the day with 17 mins of Wii Fit exercises, then came to work.

Had an OK sleep last night, finally. Guess exercises help a bit too. Also I read part of my book last night for an hour when hubby and the guys were playing basketball. I have stopped gaming for infanti, and started eating healthy.

Yesterday I bought a notebook so i can write down whatever at anytime about me graviditate.


I am experiencing some minor cramps. Apparently, it's normal. Honestly, Timeo ne abortio. Apparently is is not something unusual. Hope people who know about my fear can pray for us.


By the way, so called Week 4 at the moment. So by week 9, he/she will look more like a human.

Who Stole the Moon?

Yes! I have changed the skin again! This background picture is from vladstudio, my favourite digital artist. I bought the children book “Who Stole The Moon?” which he did the illustrations.

The Fox and the Moon from vladstudio

No, this boy here, is not the Firefox! Sarcastic smile

26 January 2011

Somnus malus

Demanded some sleep very early at night but woke up in the midnight and couldn't go back to sleep easily. Maybe because I am too cautious when I was sleeping, overly cautious. I guess I am still getting used to it. Laxare debeo.

I have started talking to him/her already, although I know it's too early!


By the way, this is the only period of time I can eat a lot and do not have to worry about being fat and ugly - coz I will be fat and ugly anyway! haha...

Healthy walk

Went for a healthy walk in the middle of the day because I should not face the monitor all the time and need some mild exercise. So I walked down to the Ellerslie main street, all the way to the end of the road, passed through all the shops.

Crossed the road at the end to return to the office. The sun was shining and the weather was very warm. I had myself some good time.

Saw a pretty butterfly.


Cherry Chomper

IMG_1060Mum wants me to eat cherries, which I usually do not prefer. I do not dislike them, but I just don’t prefer eating them. In order to make myself eat cherries more happily, I have bought this magic Cherry Chomper. “I pit cherries,” it says. The only issue is some of the cherries dad bought are way too big for it’s mouth!

This is definitely a tool for lazy people like me. Well, and it’s cute! Hope this can help cherry eating becomes more interesting!

25 January 2011






Infans sanctificabo

It is confirmed yesterday the 24th! I have to admire my own sixth sense on this one, haha, just joking. I believe it's God that plant the message in my mind and letting me know that early. On Sunday the 23rd, during Sunday service, Deum dixi ut hoc infans sanctificaturus esse. Yes, it's true, that was before the confirmation. So I guess, it's all designed and decided, everything is part of the plan.

So let's keep an eye and see how this is going to be done.

left: Monday morning - tested in the office,

right: Monday afternoon - tested in Fr. Fung's clinic

24 January 2011

Gravida sum

It's one of those days that I ought to write a blog entry yet lacking a constructive mind. What have I done today? Went to pharmacy, went to work, went to a doctor appointment, called my parents, woke up my best friend in HK with overseas phone call, went back to work, went home, started making some craft, went to my parents for dinner, asked a best friend a favour, went to a best friend home to look at her wedding invitation card, called a best friend in HK at her place, went home, showered, brushed my teeth. Now in bed.

I am happy, and I hope everyone who has known my happiness is happy too.

Esse aut non esse

Enim it has been expected sed hasn't appeared yet. Things in this world happen in similar fashion most of the time, ergo I am surprised not. Per diem hoc in animo habeo sed nihil fuit. I am trying to be patient. Should sleep, et another day will come. 

Esse aut non esse: to be, or not to be. 

21 January 2011





20 January 2011

Die Hoffnung





16 January 2011

Summer time Flash test

Yesterday Nick and I went out to test his new flash light, which was the Christmas present I bought for him. I always wanted to do some stupid modelling. As I said I always thought I was ugly and lacked of self confidence (when it’s something to do with self-image), so I am now trying to boost up my self-image by saying myself is pretty and taking pretty pictures, hahaha!

Nick has put some of the photos on facebook already. However I like weird tuning of colours, so I have done my own tuning on some of the photos.

Of course, I have paid for Adobe CS5 Master Suite, so we have to play more!

_NIC0552-1    _NIC0570-1_NIC0609_NIC0611

14 January 2011

無題 XI






11 January 2011


11-01-2011 3-19-46 p.m.

Madning Shek「一段幸福的愛情,可能會把你寵壞 ; 一段不幸福的愛情,卻能讓你變成更好的人。願大家都能變得更好。」 --- 王文華
Jacqualine Chow 一段不幸福的愛情,可能力會先殺死你,就算殺你唔死都傷到你貼地,仲唔guarantee你一定會變好!
Madning Shek 莫師奶,你都無實戰經驗,唔好危言聳聽啦~
Jacqualine Chow 咩無呀,我試過暗戀同明戀人都失敗㗎!好傷㗎~
Madning Shek 幼稚園同小學o既事唔算啦pls...
Jacqualine Chow 咩呀,我嘅感情生活一直都好豐富㗎,到中學都仲有鍾意男仔㗎。。。
Madning Shek 我知我知... 但來來去去咪又係你老公個名... (雖然我隱約都記得有個叫K先生o既配角...)









無題 X






10 January 2011





09 January 2011





05 January 2011

In bed - random thoughts

Can't sleep, it's very warm tonight, too warm. Left my book at work, so I can't read even though I really want to read now. Therefore in bed I am, trying to fight the heat and fall asleep.

You know, nothing in the world remains at the same size when everyone in the world is sleeping.

You know, everything has only the exterior you can see, not the interior you cannot see.

You know, everything in the world is shrinking at the same speed by the same ratio all the time.

You know, the red in your head, is actually the same as the blue in my mind.

You know, there are little green men in another dimension which we can never reach.

You know, from the last moment we have entered one of the alternate worlds.

Now tell me I am wrong in everything and I should go to sleep.





所以我也要幫我的孩子 - 有的話 - 改個有意思的名字。

04 January 2011

Random Blah

  • Little Prince is back today.
  • Back to work tomorrow, sad, no more holiday.
  • Four new people starting in our team tomorrow on the 10th.
  • Got some new fabrics.
  • Got the complete set of books.
  • BBQ last night was good. Tiffany's house was so nice! Very pretty and well decorated, with two very big Christmas trees and nice furnitures.
  • Some feelings, when they are there, you struggle; when they are gone, you miss them.
  • I am a happier girl now, I know I am.
  • It's hard to stop thinking even though I don't mind.
  • I don't want to sleep.
  • I should start reading the last book tomorrow.
  • Pain in my shoulders.
  • Something in my mind.
  • In the past I'd say "Love and Hate", now I say "Love and Life".
  • What is in your mind?

03 January 2011


坐在Tiffany家的客廳裡,看着張學友的<Private Corner>迷你演唱會,身邊有Rebecca媽媽抱着Charis囡囡和Jas,微弱的燈光下還有閃動的聖誕樹燈泡,落地窗外有人在燒烤。。。大致上也算是浪漫。





02 January 2011




01 January 2011


二零一一年一月一日,今天身體略有不適,但好醜也過了這年的第一天。想了好一會,該回顧上一發生過甚麼事情嗎?然而沒甚麼是我已經淡忘了的,那既然沒有淡忘的就不必回顧了。一切的經驗和感覺都記憶猶新,只是從中我成長了,學習了,改變了。這是我成長得最多最顯著的一年 - 至少我這樣認為。



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