30 March 2008

Home alone

Every time I am home alone I feel lonely. When I was at my mum's home at least I have Mel there with me. This is different from going out by myself. When I am at home, I feel like I shouldn't be alone, but I am, which is the upsetting part. Home, suppose to be a place that have more than just myself. Usually playing PC game is the best activity to make time flies, and the room is small, I won't feel like there's excessive empty space that need someone to fill in. Watching TV or movie is also a good choice if there's something I want to see. Now I am waiting for CSI. Bones on tomorrow, and House on Tuesday.


Little-Prince read this and complained that I made it sounds like he always leave me home by myself and sounds like he's the bad guy. Haha. I didn't mean that. I said it's just himself feeling guilty. I would not say I am home alone all the time. It's probably because I am not home alone all the time, causing me feel more different when I am.

You know, people should be able to home alone. I am pretty okay staying home by myself during day time. It's just after sunset, when moon and stars are out, and you have to turn on the lights to fill the rooms with warmness. If TV's not on, PC is not on, I am probably the only one in the world that I can sense.

29 March 2008








28 March 2008


Disturbances suffered by those with borderline personality disorder are
wide-ranging. The general profile of the disorder typically includes a pervasive
instability in mood, extreme
"black and white" thinking, or "splitting",
chaotic and unstable interpersonal
, self-image, identity,
and behavior, as well as a
disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In
extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.[2]
These disturbances have a pervasive negative impact on many or all of the
psychosocial facets of life. This includes the ability to maintain relationships
in work, home, and social settings.

A DSM diagnosis of BPD requires any
five out of nine listed criteria to be present for a significant period of time.

  1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. [Not including
    suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5]
  2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal
    characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
  3. Identity
    disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image
    or sense of self.
  4. Impulsivity in
    at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., promiscuous sex, eating disorders, binge
    , substance abuse, reckless driving).
    [Again, not including suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion
  5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures,
    threats, or self-mutilating behavior
    such as cutting, interfering with the healing of scars, or picking at oneself.
  6. Affective
    instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria,
    irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few
    hours and only rarely more than a few days).
  7. Chronic feelings of emptiness, worthlessness.
  8. Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling
    anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical
  9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or
    severe dissociative

Studies suggest that individuals with BPD tend to experience frequent, strong
and long-lasting states of aversive tension, often
triggered by perceived rejection, being alone, or perceived failure.[9]
Individuals with BPD may show lability
(changeability) between anger and anxiety or between depression and anxiety[10]
and temperamental sensitivity to emotive stimuli.[11]
The negative emotional states particularly associated with BPD have been
grouped into four categories: extreme feelings in general; feelings of
destructiveness or self-destructiveness; feelings of fragmentation or lack of
identity; and feelings of victimization.[12]

Individuals with BPD can be very sensitive to the way others treat them,
reacting strongly to perceived criticism or hurtfulness. Their feelings about
others often shift from positive to negative, generally after a disappointment
or perceived threat of losing someone. Self-image can also change rapidly from
extremely positive to extremely negative. Impulsive behaviors are common,
including alcohol or drug abuse, unsafe sex, gambling, and recklessness in
Attachment studies suggest individuals with BPD, while being high in intimacy-
or novelty-seeking, can be hyper-alert[8]
to signs of rejection or not being valued and tend towards insecure, avoidant or
ambivalent or fearfully preoccupied patterns in relationships.[14]
They tend to view the world generally as dangerous and malevolent, and
themselves as powerless, vulnerable, unacceptable and unsure in self-identity.[8]

Individuals with BPD are often described, including by some mental health
professionals (and in the DSM-IV),[5]
as deliberately manipulative or difficult, but analyses and findings generally
trace behaviors to inner pain and turmoil, powerlessness and defensive
reactions, or limited coping and communication skills.[15][16][17]



Well, the Chinese description was the most scary bit - scarily fit - that hardly deniable. So is this what the problem was? Apparently BPD can last for a decade, and from what I recall now is nearly the end of the decade. Maybe this is the reason why I started to consider what has gone wrong and how can it be fixed from late last year.

Actually, I never be able to say I am thinking exactly in this way until I see this and I never know this is more problematic than just a difference in thinking until... very very late, probably less than a year. I thought I was a bit moody, but I thought whatever I was angry or depress about really have enough reasons for me to act so. I only started to realise not everyone acts like this and "moody" for other people do not mean the same very recently. I didn't know that "splitting" was a problem. I didn't know that unstable self image and behaviour was a problem. I didn't know that feeling about others shift easily between two end was a problem. The only thing I did notice a bit earlier but keep denying is I get angry easily about things that normally people would not, and usually it results into crying or even fighting. I think my strong rational side and aversionof pain saved me from committing any suicidal action, although they weren't able to save me from imagining it.

Anyway, no matter I really had BPD or just hypochondriasis, I am pretty sure I am doing better now. I think, still need some times though, but will get there.

NANA 73話




27 March 2008






算是沒有用的special ability吧。

23 March 2008


Something scary happened to me today. I was really nervous and my body was shaking. People (especially guys) would think it's not that scary and they wouldn't agree why I have to be scared. But for me, it reminded me something(s) happened in the past when I was very young, when I had completely no idea what happened until I've grown up. Maybe that's the reason I am more reacted to this, although after all I don't think that's over reacting. I didn't tell anyone else except Cindy, Lisa and Sal, but Little-Prince had told a few people what had happened. Though they would not understand exactly what's happening. They'd never understand emotionally and mentally what's happening. I am very sure the person who's doing that know exactly what he's doing, and Little-Prince proved that too.

I was really really nervous. I started biting my nails, holding my hands together, and my body was shaking. I kept telling myself that's not scary and nothing to be scared so why do I have to be nervous. I am not sure whether that worked or not because I couldn't think and couldn't remember anything including words from the sermon and the holy communion.

Anyway. To other people it's just another day with something weird or unusal happened. Not that simple for me though.


Reading people' blogs. I am quite tire and iPod touch allows me to be lazy. So I am reading and typing and lying in bed. Today is Easter and no Sunday school. I am not sure why one is the reason of the other, but I am happy to wake up a bit later. Jesus arises for me today. Not sure at what time he wakes up, but pretty sure he's not a lazy cat like me because women went early in the morning and found him missing.

Last night was a poker night. I never play poker before but I did quite well in the second round (teacher still won both rounds). It's funny to see those guys "All in" even they have nothing good in their hands, haha. Remarkably I got full house once!

Time to leave the bed...

20 March 2008







17 March 2008


因"亂",突然哼起盧巧音的《露西 (3,180,000 B.C. - ) 》,本來不知道的,搜尋之下才發現自己中周耀輝毒太深,竟不知不覺還是喜歡他的作品。





難得一刻 讓我將真相透露如同病發
如你愛我 用你的一切明白明白我嗎



16 March 2008

The Smiley Crime

I have been dreaming this morning. Polices are trying to catch a " serial helper", who they believe is getting something out of the people he helped and these people would not notice it. They have seen a lot of cases. The second last one is about an old magician, who later used magic to show the police what had happened. The last one is a mermaid, who had her pearl fallen and she could not get it back. Interestingly this "serial helper" leaves traces as colourful smiley faces on the floor of all "crime" scene which you can see with neon light on. Apparently wherever he walks a sequence of smiley faces would be marked. Not sure they are intentional or not.

I am not sure about my role in this dream. Unfortunately the alarm wakes me up when the polices are investigating the mermaid case. I would never know whether this guy is really a bad guy or a goody. Haven't mentioned that he is a handsome guy with golden hair.

Oh well, another unresolved "crime". So I "document" it.

13 March 2008


12 March 2008




今天上Philosophy of Arts的tutorial,發現一個帶Newsboy cap的男孩子,非常cute,真的很像一個newsboy,是讀Film Studies的。非常cute的原因是真的很像一個小孩子,而且還有點貴族學校學生般,像極了小甜甜的狄理斯,有點童話的夢幻。


11 March 2008


要說一說我看Zodiac。可能因為被恐嚇過會很驚慌的緣故,有充足的心理準備,再加上我刻意在日間看,又開了一點窗簾,看時竟完全不覺得驚慌。其實我只怕血腥場面和突然間跳出來的東西,Zodiac兩者皆欠奉,所以我看得很開心,很安樂。這樣最好,可以完全被戲的情節吸引,不用怕突然有甚麼跳出來嚇我,可以安心代入故事。說是故事,但Zodiac是以真事作藍本,雖然所有證物都是真有其事才拿出來,但證詞則不是,也有些沒有交待的誤導著看官們。譬如打電話說出生日的證實是一個精神病患者,說有頭痛的Sam也不是Zodiac本人,Arthur Leigh Allen的朋友有陷害他的原因。不過嘛,這是一齣戲,不是documentary,所以不要緊吧,看時好像合理就可以了。

如果你問我,我覺得Arthur Leigh Allen不是Zodiac。小學和中學時考試,我先做完了試卷,百無聊賴,又不可以早出試場。於是做出了很多奇怪的小動作,假扮偷看別人的試卷,假裝怕被抓到出貓般看向老師,假裝看了後在紙上寫寫改改(卻是在試卷背後畫圖)。是想給別人懷疑吧。然而到老師叫我不要東張西望的時候,我又理直氣壯說我沒有要作弊,然後很開心的竊笑,像是得逞了那樣。我想,他大概是那樣的心情。我想而已。

要說一說戲裡的Paul Avery ,先煞風景的說真實的Robert Graysmith和Paul Avery是在離開了Chronicle後才有見過面,並不是一早認識並一起追尋Zodiac的。還有,萬聖節卡內並沒有染有Paul Stine血的布碎。要說的是電影裡的Paul Avery,到中段還是很有型的。最好笑的是收到Zodiac的恐嚇後所有人帶起寫著"I Am Not Paul Avery"的襟章。我很喜歡他的熱誠,我想被Zodiac點名恐嚇,除了害怕外,其實是使他有點興奮的吧。我不認為他是被恐嚇而日漸害怕變得頹靡,反倒是Zodiac沒有真的接觸他叫人沮喪。這樣投入一件事情的人,在這個時期或者也害怕被殺,但還是渴望等接觸的吧。在兩難之間,期待卻恐懼。

至於Robert Graysmith,據說他真的是那樣性格的人,我也不覺得奇怪。只想說Melanie跟他離婚是正確的,不是他不好,但一個好人不等如一個好丈夫。有些男人是一個好人,可能還很吸引,但只適合單身。然而,我不認為他是因為正直或為公義而鍥而不捨地追尋真相,他只是,如他所說,喜歡puzzle而已。所以他的目標是要看到Zodiac,看向他的臉孔和眼睛。不是一個有高尚理想的人,但很忠於自己的心情。我還是認為他指向Arthur Leigh Allen是太過武斷,主觀願望甚於客觀概論。


10 March 2008


今天在家看了五小時電影。一套Zodiac及一套The Shawshank Redemption,兩套都是兩小時半左右,看得我有點累呢。兩套戲我也很喜歡,雖然要比較還是覺得SR好看一點。


These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.


The Outing

IMG_2017Last Saturday was English Service outing. We went to One Tree Hill not-so-early in the morning and started with prayer and some singing. Then Irene had a few entertaining games for the teenager group. I wasn't participating in any of the games. It's interesting enough to observe. First thing I found was people were a bit reluctant to form group with people they do not know or do not know well, especially the girls. Most of them like to stick together with close friends, which is an understandable behaviour. Younger boys did show the same concerns. Unfortunately I could not recall whether I had the same issue when I IMG_2013was a bit younger. Anyway. Some people seemed to get along with others faster, so pretty much in the middle of the "act as an appliance" game they get along quite well. Others needed a bit more time. Soon after they realised that they would be in the same group for orienteering they started to show a not-so-happy face. However you can tell at the end of orienteering, group members are mostly closer to each other. Apparently it was a successful exercise to get people together.

Overall it's a real fun day. The weather was nice and activities were fascinating (I think). Actually the weather was too nice that I got a headache from being under the sun for too long. I IMG_2082guess I am not fit now compare to the time I was in University. Maybe going out more and have some exercise would be good for me.

Thanks God for the good weather and the fellowship. It is a nice thing to have people in Christ growing up together and I am glad these teenagers can find their companies. Hope they would continue their path in Christ, comfort and encourage each other along the way.


P.S. Oh, by the way, this is the winning team of the orienteering, which, of course, NOT EXCITING (and no one claps)!

09 March 2008

《那件事兒 - 看床照事件》 - 劉墉































【2008/02/20 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/






05 March 2008

Blogging from iPod touch

I am testing out my iPod touch now. Yes, this blog post has been done by touching the keyboard on the screen. Apparently Blogger does not have a iPhone version of UI so everything appear to be quite small indeed. Facebook does have a special UI which makes it much easier to use. Anyway, dinner time

04 March 2008

Philosophy of Epistemology: Lecture 1

Today I had my first lecture on epistemology. Interestingly this lecture was talking about something I've been discussing with Andre and Fiora yesterday during lunch time. It also has something to do with my recent introspection.


First of all, a lot of things we do with our sentences are more than just illustrating a proposition. For example "The cup is half full" and "The cup is half empty", which have the same proposition, but are different sentence. Here we usually say people have different attitude. I do know all about these and I do know having a different sentence delivering the same proposition would influence people perception and acceptance, however the lecture reminds me about this once again. Eventually I am not sure whether it is a good thing to construct sentence in a different way just to affect the outcome. James Wilson is a good example as House referred him as "a buddy of mine people say 'Thank you' to when he tells them they are dying." Not that I don't bother to do it to make people feel better, it's just that I feel guilty for being manipulative - when  what I am manipulating is other people's perception, emotion, feeling, acceptance, belief, understanding, judgement, etc. However as I've been told by Little-Prince and some other people, apparently that's what I have to learn and it is right to do so.


We also talked about necessary VS sufficient conditions. I've been thinking about it and found that it is a mistake basically everyone around me and myself always exercise. However, usually people around me are in different spectrum to mine when we all fall into this kind of fallacy. Maybe some disagreements just  come from the understand (or misunderstanding) of what is necessary for causing what and what is sufficient for causing what.


Then we talked about belief, truth and justification. These are the topic we touched during our lunch time discussion. First of all, [s knows p = s believes p] is obviously problematic because p can be false, so there is no point to talk about this. Secondly, [s knows p = s believes p & p is true] also runs into all sorts of problem. For example I believe in God existence and let's suppose God really exists (let's assume we found out at the end of our lives), it does not mean I have evidence, reasoning and good justification why I believe in God existence. So maybe I don't really know God exists in this case although I believe it and at the end it is true.  [s knows p = s believes p & p is true & s's belief in p is well-founded ] is the closest we get in this lecture, although "epistemically justification" is still a myth at this stage. Basically, using God existence example, I believe God exists and I have good evidence believing he exists and it is true that he exists, then it means I have such knowledge. I am still not satisfy with this and I can see some problems in this definition, but let's not go in too much until we have another lecture on the definitions.


These topics and discussions make me rethink about the concept of "belief". Being a justified atheist is actually as difficult (or easy?) as being a justified Christian. For me, the things I see and the things I experience are good reasons for me to believe there is a God and he loves me. However things that someone else see and experience may suggest the opposite. No matter which one it is, the reasons and justification for the belief (for there is God or there is no God) are equally not necessary conditions of the belief. Somehow reasons and justifications are very personal things, depending on the subject's education, culture background, family brought-up, life experience, etc.


I told Andre that for believing in a religion, the initial emotional step is necessary, but not enough to sustain. You have to think why you believe, what you believe, and have your own experience supporting your belief. I tried to weigh things happened in my life and "God exists" is a more reasonable conclusion than "God doesn't exists". Do I create a bias understand because I already believe in the first place? It's actually very hard to determine. It is like asking whether our repressed memory (if it really exists) is always correct or not. However, I still believe,  mere reasoning and justification can never make someone believe in a religion if there is no emotional engagement. On the other hand, mere reasoning and justification are not enough to make someone believe there is no God as well without an emotional step. So if someone ask me to show God to him, I can only tell him about God, point to my own faith, and then ask himself to experience. I cannot prove to him that there is a God (same as he cannot prove to me that there's no God). Taking other's reasons and justification without building his own experience can never sustain faith (actually not only in religion but in every single small beliefs we have about everyday).


Anyway,  this blog is getting a bit too long. Also I am not very clear what I want to say now since in the middle I had stopped writing for dinner and House M.D.. Tomorrow I have my first lecture on Philosophy of Arts. Let's see whether it would be as interesting as this one.


下雨天,假期(?)後第一個上課天。四時至六時,要早一點回去,先買一本書 (Noah Lemos, An Introduction of Knowledge),讀書真的是非常昂貴的一件事。朋友們都在讀書,但他們都是很勤力的,每個semester讀兩張papers。我嘛,只是今個semester讀兩張,就覺得時間有點緊了。是惰性重吧。


在公司抽中了一部iPod Nano,在小王子煽動之下我upgrade做iPod Touch了(8GB啦,我很窮,又沒有甚麼歌)。。。還未收到呢!


When I was deploying database changes last night for the Sunday School application, I found some collation problem which stopped me to continue. My local development environment does not have this issue, so I was quite frustrated and not sure what to do. Then I was too sleepy and I know I have to wake up early for work today, so I gave up and went to sleep. As predicted it was not a good sleep because I have an unsolved issue in my mind which keep my brain working. I even saw ET telling me to change the database collation in the dream. Anyway. This morning I have a clearer mind and at work I do have a Latin collation database that is handy for testing. So I solved the problem in 15 minutes (which is a stupid one). Last night was a real waste. I am going to deploy the database changes again tonight.

02 March 2008


就似熱湯 懷念烈火 纏綿頭髮 苦戀被窩
遺憾甚麼 期待甚麼 當樹林也 孤立無助
給樹熊爬甚麼 空著兩臂 為你而留座

當 赤道留住雪花 眼淚融掉細沙 你肯珍惜我嗎
如浮雲陪伴天馬 公演一個童話
當 配樂遺下結他 畫布忘掉了畫
請想起我 如綠草 當這地球沒有花

就算日出 忘掉霧水 鯨魚病了 都想渴水
讓那暴風 柔和地吹 假若離去 只為團聚
給病人留藥水 不斷吻我 讓我能甜睡

當 赤道留住雪花 眼淚融掉細沙 你肯珍惜我嗎
如浮雲陪伴天馬 公演一個童話
當 配樂遺下結他 畫布忘掉了畫
請想起我 如綠草 當這地球沒有花

當 赤道留住雪花 眼淚融掉細沙 你肯珍惜我嗎
如浮雲陪伴天馬 公演一個童話
當 配樂遺下結他 畫布忘掉了畫
請想起我 如綠草 當這地球沒有花