27 August 2008

If civilized, then talk civilized

I had some sort of argument with some people today around "civilized" and "uncivilized". It is sad to see how ignorant some people are. People said ethnic groups that eat with their hands are uncivilized regardless that's part of their culture - actually, the argument goes "since it is part of the culture, therefore they are not civilized". People said Chinese invented chopsticks, which require difficult theory of energy behind, so Chinese is more civilized. People even said Chinese has a more civilized gene, what a piece of crap. I said I don't think Chinese is more civilized in anyway, then people said we had all those history and full of inventions; I said that's the past and I cannot see why Chinese is more civilized now, people said it's all because many years ago government did this and that and therefore a lot of people are not educated now, but still couldn't deny Chinese is just not more civilized than the others.

Piece of crap! Ignorant and naive.

You can say a civilization is more advance, but it is not necessary tiding to how civilize the people are. People maybe more (or less) civilized because of culture, education, experience, etc, but it has nothing to do with gene - plus, where the heck in the mind would "Chinese are more civilized" possibly come from? I honestly don't have a single clue. Of coz, I have civilized Chinese friends, actually, I don't have uncivilized Chinese friends, but none of my friends are uncivilized anyway! Yes, I have more Chinese friends. Since all my friend are civilized, and I have more Chinese friends than friends from other ethnicities, can I conclude that Chinese are more civilized? Even with my pathetic logic sense I can tell this is completely screwed.

Actually I was quite angry. People just have no idea what are they talking about.

1 comment:

  1. 当代的中国人念念不忘残留下的“古代文明”。说实话身为中国人我为民族的背景文化骄傲,但是很无力的是现代文明早就在战乱时期以及和平年代的“文革”中一把大火烧掉了。
    其实我倒是有些埋怨当代政府在50/60年代的政策使得今日的中国人没有得到更好的素质教育,(以至于香港自由行的部分大陆客随地吐痰脱鞋抠脚 :P)。主要的原因是战后国库空虚,人的精神状态也十分恍惚,“伟大的毛主席”在当时提出了“大跃进”和"英雄母亲“的思想。大概就是砸铁卖锅炼刚以及多生小孩(美其名曰发展劳动力)。结果就造成人口暴涨以及后来的独生子女政策。加上60年代初3年的自然灾害农田颗粒无收,以及文化的摧残,很多人连肚子都喂不饱,更何况去接受教育。我父母那个年代的人就有许多只有小学毕业就要出去做工。我没有办法去怪迫不得已无路可走的他们素质低,对政府发飙又更没有可能。所以就逃离到这里来。
