09 May 2011

The mean look

Interestingly sometimes people misinterpret my look or action as being angry or disliking something or someone, while I am not. Nevertheless sometimes people interpret correctly, so I am not sure whether it's an issue of my facial expression or am I expressing emotions differently from others causing people to misunderstand.

Say, it's correct that I am not liking it when I refuse to talk to someone on phone (lol); but I am not disliking it when I look at someone in his/her face and eyes. I can never look into the person's eyes when I am not liking that person.

There are some other occasions in the past but these are the recent ones that I can remember. Sometimes at work I get the same thing: people think I am not liking something, but I am just too concentrated or feeling a little bit annoyed by the situations. Doesn't mean I am very unhappy about what's happening.

Must be my facial expression, too extreme. Haha!

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