10 May 2011


Why all of a sudden talk about romanticism? It's a long story. It all started from my comment about someone's boyfriend should be a romantic person because he has kept a lizard and three turtles. Then the topic went on and a wife asked whether I think her husband is a romantic person. I said yes because he likes to do paper craft and puzzles et cetra - basically things that need to spend time and patience to do. This comment stirred up a small fight between the couple as the wife kept saying she didn't think he is a romantic person and then the husband said his wife uses other terms to define what I mean by romantic - "wasting time". Well I didn't hear what they have discussed after this because they seem to be reacting to each others and were debating. So all of us who were in the conversation pulled off and talked about something else, haha.

As a hopeless romantic I am easily satisfied by people's romantic gestures. And again, I insist romantic actions or things may not have correlation to romantic love. Romantic love relationship is only a subtype, a manifestation, a kind of romantic things. I totally appreciate people's romantic behaviours in other domains, other paradigms. Someone that is romantic may not imply his/her love relationship is a romantic one. Nevertheless, the person's romantic expressions may be undermined by the other person in a relationship. Not every one has the same idea.

Anyhow I may be a bit overly romantic to a point that is against nowadays "postmodern" way of merging romanticism, materialism and realism. I refuse to accept the money side of things to be part of the romantic measure. However I understand sometimes money is required to achieve the goal. Little-prince once bought me a very expensive bag. Money is the essential tool here, but I think it's romantic because of the symbolic meaning. It's not more romantic compare to some other things he had done that cost much less. This is not only on love relationship. Some arts required quite an extremely high cost to produce and one of the main reasons it is a piece of art is because of the no-reason cost. I dislike those too. I am not saying expensive production is the issue because some arts use high value materials in order to express the dedication (maybe to God), id est there is a meaning to its cost: then I think it's romantic.

Some of these maybe contradicting to each other, oh well, just my feelings at different times I guess. Anyway, too much for now. Should go to work.

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