22 October 2007

Essay, Exam, Thankful, BBQ

Finally essay's done, but exam's coming up. At least it's a bit of relieve.

I am in IC now, people started studying for exams already. I honestly don't want to do that because I feel like I have just finished a big task. Still have a week and a half for my exam, so I can start my study a bit later.

I was really thankful to somebody for the book because it was really useful, but then I think this attitude is not right. Shouldn't we thank people even if it is not useful given that person has considered our needs and tried to help us? We should purely appreciate with people doing things for us, not the result of what people have done for us.

Later today we are going to Ericson and Winnie's house for BBQ. Fiora really want us to have BBQ in their house sooner so she can bring her friends in for BBQ and her brother would not have an excuse. Today's whether is not too good, I hope it will get better later today.

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